Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Scallop Animal Crossing New Horizons Locations
Animal Crossing scallops in New Horizons is a new type of animal that you can catch, added in the summer update. Finding scallops in Animal…

Animal Crossing Pearls Locations – New Horizons
Animal Crossing pearls are a new crafting item that has been added in the New Horizons summer update. Getting pearls in Animal Crossing New Horizons…

Set Off Fireworks Fortnite – Lazy Lake Locations
Fortnite Set of Fireworks in Lazy Lake is a new challenge added to the game, and requires you to find five sets of fireworks around…

Fortnite Collect 4 Floating Blue Rings at Lazy Lake Locations
Floating blue rings in Fortnite in Lazy Lake are a part of this week’s weekly challenges, which requires you to collect four floating rings in…

Secret Gold Mushroom Locations in Fortnite
Fortnite secret gold mushrooms are a new, mythic item that has been added to the game in the new update. Eating a gold mythic mushroom…

Worms Rumble Announcement Trailer Reveals Very Different Game
Team 17, the developer team most famous for the Worms franchise, have revealed a new game, called Worms Rumble. As you can see in the…

Minecraft Dungeons Vine Whip Location – Jungle Awakens DLC
Vine Whip in Minecraft Dungeons is a new weapon that has been added in the Jungle Awakens DLC. Naturally, players have immediately started wondering how…

Minecraft Dungeons Diamond Dust – Jungle Awakens
Diamond Dust in Minecraft Dungeons is a resource that was supposed to be added in the Jungle Awakens DLC update, used to upgrade your gear…

TLOU2 ‘Road to the Aquarium’ collectibles locations guide
Collectibles in Last of Us II Road to the Aquarium include trading cards, journal entries, artifacts, and workbenches. All the Road to Aquarium collectibles are…

Relic of the Sages trophy – Strange Object location – The Last of Us 2
Last of Us II Relic of the Sages is a trophy that you can unlock in the game by finding the mysterious Strange Object. Now,…

TLOU2 ‘Birthday Gift’ collectibles
The Birthday Gift collectibles in Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1 include several journal entries, trading cards, and artifacts. Finding all the collectibles in…

Channel 13 Trading Card, Artifact Seattle Day 1 The Last of Us 2
Channel 13 collectibles in The Last of Us II chapter Seattle Day 1 are stuff you’re going to find while exploring the Channel 13 building…

TLOU2 ‘The Gate’ collectibles – Artifact, Journal Entry, Trading Cards
Seattle Day 1 The Gate chapter in The Last of Us 2 has its fair share of collectibles, including Trading Cards, Journal Entries, and Artifacts….

TLOU2 ‘Packing Up’ collectibles – Journal Entries, Artifact locations
Journal entries and artifacts are collectibles in Jackson Packing Up chapter in Last of Us 2. There are not many, but they are relatively well-hidden….

The Last of Us 2 Open the Main Gate – Power it up, Extend the Cord, Enter Code
In The Last of Us II chapter Seattle Day 1 there’s a puzzle where you need to open the Main Gate. For whatever reason I…

Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands – Fortnite Season 3 Weekly Challenge
Fortnite Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands is one of the weekly challenges in Season 3 Week 1. It requires you to find a shark…

Find Gnomes at Homely Hills in Fortnite Season 3 Weekly Challenge
Fortnite Season 3 weekly challenge Find Gnomes at Homely Hills requires you to find the locations of three gnomes in a specific section of the…

Use Whirlpool at Fortilla Location in Fortnite Week 1 Aquaman Challenge
Fortnite Use Whirlpool at Fortilla is a part of the Week 1 Aquaman challenge in the game, which has been added to the game with…

Twisted Energy Destiny 2 Farm – Prismatic Recaster
Destiny 2 Twisted Energy is a new type of currency that you use to upgrade the Prismatic Recaster, which is kinda like a new vendor….

Destiny 2 Filthy Lucre Farm – Bank Job Witherhoard Quest
Filthy Lucre farming is one of the steps of the Destiny 2 Bank Job quest, which revolves around the new Witherhoard grenade launcher. The quest…