Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC Trophies / Achievements List
The Peril on Gorgon Outer Worlds DLC adds several new trophies / achievements. Some of the trophies in Peril on Gorgon in Outer Worlds are…

Kingdoms of Amalur Backpack locations – Increase Inventory Size
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning Backpack locations are closely connected with increasing your inventory space, and new players might not be familiar with how the whole…

How to Start Peril on Gorgon Outer Worlds DLC
How to begin the Peril on Gorgon DLC in Outer Worlds has been the question that many players have been asking. As it turns out,…

Guild Wars 2 New Dungeon Announced for Mid-September
The good people behind Guild Wars 2 have announced a new dungeon, Sunqua Peak, that’s coming in mid-September. Specifically, all you fans should prepare yourselves…

Outer Worlds Can’t Load Save Files – Epic Games
Save files not loading in Outer Worlds on the Epic Games store is a problem that’s plaguing everybody that played the game recently, after the…

Starpoint Gemini 3 Exiting Early Access on October 14th
After spending around a year in Early Access, Starpoint Gemini 3 is ready for it’s full launch. According to the game’s creators, Little Green Men…

FUSER Release Date Announced for Early November
The new brain child of Rock Band and Dance Central creators, Harmonix Music Systems, now has a set release date. FUSER is coming out on…

NBA 2K21 Badges List – Finishing, Shooting, Playmaking, Defense
Badges in NBA 2K21 affect your abilities in NBA 2K21, including finishing, shooting, playmaking, and defense / rebounding. Depending on how you develop your character,…

To Tame a Titan Secret Gold Chest Room Unlock in Marvels Avengers
The secret gold chest room in To Tame a Titan in Marvel’s Avengers is a secret area in the mission that is very difficult to…

NBA 2K21 Error Code 726e613d – Unable to Start New MyCareer
Error Code 726e613d in NBA 2K21 makes you unable to start a new MyCareer, and players are wondering how to fix it. As it turns…

NBA 2K21 Shooting Tips & Best Shooting Badges
Shooting in NBA 2K21 and best shooting badges have been a point of contention among the fanbase, causing some to call the NBA 2K21 shooting…

Avengers Grab & Go – Defeat Grabbed Enemies – Kamala Daily Challenge
Grab and Go Daily Challenge is one of the tasks you can complete in Marvel’s Avengers, but only with Kamala Kahn, aka Ms Marvel, and…

Rock and a Hard Place – Hulk Daily Challenge Guide – Marvel’s Avengers
Rock and a Hard Place Hulk daily challenge in Marvel’s Avengers is one of the many challenges that you can complete in the game. However,…

NBA 2K21 VC Not Working – Pre-Order Bonus Issue
VC pre-order bonus not working in NBA 2K21 is a bug that has been hitting those that have pre-ordered the Mamba Forever legendary edition of…

Avengers Master Sniper – Defeat Dreadbots or Exo Weak Spots With Ranged Attacks
Master Sniper in Marvel’s Avengers is a Black Widow weekly challenge that you can complete. It requires you to defeat dreadbots or exos with ranged…

Avengers Patterns Farming Guide – Unlock Cosmetics at Fabrication Machine
Patterns in Marvel’s Avengers are a special type of item that you can use to unlock cosmetic outfits at the Fabrication Machine. Unfortunately, figuring out…

How to Get Spiderman in Marvel’s Avengers
Marvel’s Avengers Spider-Man is one of the playable characters in the game, and people are wondering how to get him. This is pretty understandable, considering…

Marvel’s Avengers Artifact Locations – Major & Minor Farming
Minor and Major artifacts in Marvel’s Avengers are special items that give your characters different bonuses and status effects. So, as you can guess, Marvel’s…

Avengers Knuckle Sandwich – End Four Hit Combo with Iron Spike Attack
Knuckle Sandwich in Marvel’s Avengers is a daily challenge you can complete with Kamala, or Ms Marvel, by performing combos of four or more hits…

Breakout Secret Gold Chest Blue Floor Switch Puzzle in Marvel’s Avengers
The secret gold chest in Marvel’s Avengers Breakout mission is behind the blue floor switch puzzle that you have to solve. The blue floor puzzle…