Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Genshin Impact Currency – Intertwined Fate, Stardust, Genesis Crystals, Starglitter
Currency in Genshin Impact include Intertwined Fate, Acquaint Fate, Genesis Crystals, Primogems, Starglitter, Stardust, Mora, Anemo Sigils, and Geo Sigils. All but the last three…

Genshin Impact Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula
Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula in Genshin Impact is a location in the game that you can unlock and explore if you have a high…

Genshin Impact Taishan Mansion
Taishan Mansion in Genshin Impact is a domain location in the game that you can unlock, but only if you solve a puzzle in the…

Genshin Impact Adventure Rank Farming
Adventure Rank Farming in Genshin Impact is an important mechanic in the game, as raising your Adventure Rank unlocks new areas, new missions and activities,…

Genshin Impact Wolf of the North Challenge
Wolf of the North Challenge in Genshin Impact is a weekly challenge boss that you can find and defeat to earn a whole bunch of…

Salt Seals the Ruin Within – Ancient Stele in Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Ancient Stele is a specific location that you can find in the game, and it contains a “riddle” that reads “Salt seals the…

Guide to Freedom Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Guide to Freedom is a special item that you can find and is used to upgrade certain talents of different characters. Given the…

Genshin Impact Witness Sigil – Find Place Where You Can Witness Whole Sigil
Find a Place Where You Can Witness the Whole Sigil in Genshin Impact is a step in the Wangshu Inn quest where you have to,…

Genshin Impact Share Not Your Treasure Location
Share Not Your Treasure in Genshin Impact is a side quest that you can complete in the game, and that rewards you with a Precious…

Genshin Impact Agents Locations – Hunter’s Sacrificial Knife
Agents in Genshin Impact are special enemies that drop the Hunter’s Sacrificial Knife ascension material when you defeat them. To get the Hunter’s Sacrificial Knife…

Genshin Impact Mist Flower Corolla
Mist Flower Corolla in Genshin Impact is a flower that you can find and collect all across the map, and can be used for Alchemy…

Genshin Impact – Cor Lapis Location
Cor Lapis in Genshin Impact is a mineral that you can use in certain Alchemy recipes and for character ascensions of Keqing and Chongyun. So,…

Genshin Impact Lisa Gift
Gift for Lisa in Genshin Impact is a choice that you have to make at the Souvenir Shop during the Troublesome Work quest. Your goal…

Cyberpunk 2077 Full Night City Map & Districts Revealed
CD Projekt Red haven’t exactly been tight-lipped about the map of Night City. One of the first things we saw in the first major trailer…

Stormterror Lair Genshin Impact – Break the Seal
Break the Seal in Genshin Impact Stormterror Lair is one of the steps in the main campaign of the game, and it requires you to…

Genshin Impact Incomplete Writing – Geo Statues Puzzle
Incomplete Writing Geo Statues Puzzle in Genshin Impact are two puzzles that you have to solve to complete a side quest in the game. You…

Genshin Impact Secret Island – Time And The Wind – Eye of the Storm
Secret Island in Genshin Impact is an island that doesn’t exist on the map and where the Time and The Wind secret side quest takes…

Genshin Impact The Chi Of Guyun
The Chi of Guyun in Genshin Impact is a side quest that you can complete in the game, and it involves finding and solving several…

Genshin Impact Geovishap Hatchling Locations
Geovishap Hatchlings in Genshin Impact are monsters that you have to find and defeat in order to get the Fragile Bone Shards, which are necessary…

Genshin Impact Luhua Landscape – Unravel the Secret Behind Luhua Pool
Luhua Landscape in Genshin Impact is a side quest in the game, and it includes three steps: Vermeer Paintings where you have to find paints…