Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Genshin Impact Wind Catcher – How to Use & Charge
Wind Catcher in Genshin Impact is a new gadget in the game’s Update 1.1, and a number of questions have been popping up about it….

Genshin Impact Bounties Location
Genshin Impact bounties are a new kind of activity that you can do after visiting the Reputation Vendor in Mondstadt. Each one of them requires…

Genshin Impact Mondstadt and its Archon Quest Start Requirements
Mondstadt and its Archon quest in Genshin Impact is one of the new missions that you can do in Update 1.1 if you meet the…

How to Use Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Condensed Resin is a new resource in Update 1.1, and there are many questions people are asking about them. For example, how to…

Hilichurls Wei Locations Genshin Impact Update 1.1
Genshin Impact Hilichurls Wei are a new type of Hilichurls added in Update 1.1, and they can spawn in many different locations. Figuring out where…

Genshin Impact Equivalent Exchange – Quest Start Requirements
Equivalent Exchange quest in Genshin Impact is a new mission that you can get in Update 1.1, but a number of players are experiencing problems…

Reputation Vendor Location in Mondstadt & Liyue Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Mondstadt and Liyue reputation vendors are new NPCs that you can discover in the 1.1 Update. They give you various rewards for completing…

Destiny 2 Perdition Location – Stasis Sealed Chest
Stasis Sealed Chest in Destiny 2 Europa Perdition is a special kind of chest that you need to find and unlock in the Europa Class…

AC Valhalla Scorched Paper – Mountain Ingot Wealth near Fornburg
Mountain Ingot Wealth near Fornburg in Rygjafylke in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is one of many similar locations dotted around the map, and is closely connected…

AC Valhalla Bullhead Location Elisdon Altar
Bullhead in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a type of fish that you can catch in the game, which is necessary for the Elisdon Altar in…

Beyond Light Unable to Find a Match for Your Fireteam Error
Unable to Find a Match for Your Fireteam error in Beyond Light is an error that has been causing a ton of trouble for players…

Beyond Light Darkness’s Doorstep Quest
Darkness’s Doorstep Beyond Light quest in Destiny 2 is the first quest you’ll get in the new expansion, taking place on the frozen moon of…

Update Genshin Impact Version 1.1 on PC, Android, iOS, PS4
Genshin Impact Version 1.1 update is coming out soon on PC, Android, iOS and PlayStation 4, and some people will be wondering how to get…

Genshin Impact Update 1.1 Release Date and Time
The release date and time of Genshin Impact Update 1.1 has been a matter of interest among players in the recent weeks, ever since it…

Follow Hytham Bug Solution – To Serve the Light – AC Valhalla
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla To Serve the Light quest has a bug during the Follow Hytham step where Hytham won’t start paddling the boat. You climb…

Middeltun Door Key Location in AC Valhalla
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Middeltun door key is a key that you have to find in order to unlock a lonely cottage in the area. If…

AC Valhalla Pay Tonna or Not – Bartering Quest Choice
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Bartering quest choice of pay Tonna or not is going to determine your relationship with her and how difficult the rest of…

Warden of War Order of the Ancients in AC Valhalla – All Clues & Locations
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Warden of War is one of the branches of the Order of the Ancients that you’ll have to uncover and eliminate. The…

AC Valhalla Comb location for Bil Maiden’s Missive Rygjafylke World Event
AC Valhalla comb for Bil is a Rygjafylke world event in Hildisvini Crag that requires you to find a comb for beautiful lady, as detailed…

Collect a Cat’s Footfall A Felines Footfall Quest Ivaldi’s Riddles AC Valhalla
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Feline’s Footfall quest requires you to collect a cat’s footfall for Ivaldi to complete a project. The only hint you have is…