Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Mighty Thistle & Armoranth Location Age of Calamity
Age of Calamity Mighty Thistle and Armoranth are items that you need to complete a specific quest line in the new Hyrule Warriors. However, getting…

How to Shield Surf in Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity
Age of Calamity Shield Surf is a mechanic that you can use both in combat and to move quickly around the world. However, depending on…

Blupee Location in Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity
Age of Calamity Blupee locations are places where you can find the tiny, blue creatures in the new Hyrule Warriors. Figuring out where to find…

Pig of Prophecy Bug – Cent Mysteries AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Pig of Prophecy is a Mystery World Event that you find in Cantenbury, in Cent. Unfortunately, there’s a bug in the Pig of…

AC Valhalla Madness of the Stones Black Screen Bug Solution
Madness of the Stones black screen bug in AC Valhalla is a glitch that you can run into during one of the world events in…

Take Seer to Rada or Next Bloodstone – Life-Blood East Anglia World Quest Mystery
In the Life-Blood world quest mystery in East Anglia in AC Valhalla, you’ll have to make a seemingly important choice – whether to take the…

AC Valhalla Meldeburne Key – Book of Knowledge
Getting the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Book of Knowledge in Meldeburne requires you to find a specific key in order to unlock a door behind which…

Gunlodr Riddles AC Valhalla – Feast to Remember – Jotunheim
AC Valhalla Gunlodr riddles in Jotunheim is basically a mini-game that you can play during the feast in quest A Feast to Remember. Gunlodr asks,…

AC Valhalla Necklace in Cow’s Stomach – Lunden Mystery
Necklace in cow’s stomach is a part of one of the AC Valhalla Lunden Mysteries that has been causing a lot of confusion among players….

Firing the Arrow Bug Solution AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Firing the Arrow main quest is a mission that you have to complete in order to finish the Lunden quest chain, and it…

AC Valhalla Hrothgar Zealot Spawn Location Bug Solution
Hrothgar in AC Valhalla is one of the zealots that hunt Eivor throughout the game, and the problem is that his spawn can bug out….

A Rivalry for the Ages AC Valhalla – Maximilian Key
AC Valhalla A Rivalry for the Ages is a side quest that you can complete in the game, and is connected to solving one of…

AC Valhalla Vinland Mysteries – Tionontateken Standing Stones
Vinland Mysteries in AC Valhalla include, among other things, the Tionontateken Standing Stones. They work pretty much exactly like all the others do. You have…

AC Valhalla Trygve – Under the Skin
Under the Skin in AC Valhalla is a quest that features a choice you will have to make with Trygve – Can’t Lose Another or…

AC Valhalla Anvil Location
Anvil in Assassins’ Creed Valhalla, is one of the members of the Order of the Ancients that you have to unveil and eliminate. To do…

AC Valhalla Rollo Traitor – Gerhild or Lork Choice – Who Betrayed Rollo
Who betrayed AC Valhalla Rollo – Gerhild or Lork – is a choice that you’ll have to make during the Old Wounds quest. Your duty…

AC Valhalla Vault – Who is the Vault
Vault in AC Valhalla is a part of the AC Valhalla Closing the Vault quest, where you’ll have to figure out who is The Vault….

Lunden Mysteries AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Lunden Mysteries are five different world events that you can complete in the city. They vary from flyting and discovering treasures, to stealing…

AC Valhalla Besuncen Tor Gear Wealth Armor Underwater
Besuncen Tor in AC Valhalla is a location that houses several pieces of wealth, including a carbon ingot and armor gear. Both of these require…

AC Valhalla Njord’s Lament World Event – Asgard Mysteries
Njord’s Lament world event in AC Valhalla is one of several Asgard Mysteries that you can find and solve in the game. It requires you…