Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Cyberpunk 2077 Don’t Lose Your Mind Delamain HQ Passcode, Control Room & Choice
The Don’t Lose Your Mind Delamain quest in Cyberpunk 2077 has several places in which you might get stuck, such as figuring out where to…

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations
Iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 are a special subtype of weapon that is relatively rare and sometimes pretty difficult to find. That doesn’t necessarily mean…

Cyberpunk Jackie Remains in the Heist quest – Can You Save Jackie?
In Cyberpunk Jackie is one of the most lovable characters and you will wonder can you save Jackie during the Heist quest. Saving Jackie comes…

How to Holster Weapon in Cyberpunk 2077
Holstering your weapon in Cyberpunk 2077 is a relatively minor mechanic, but is still one that you want to “master.” You don’t want to find…

Change Appearance in Cyberpunk 2077 – Character Customization
Character customization in Cyberpunk 2077 and changing appearance are topics that players have been discussing at great length. After all, changing your appearance in CP2077…

Cyberpunk 2077 Hideo Kojima Easter Egg Location
The Hideo Kojima Easter Egg in Cyberpunk 2077 is basically more of a secret cameo that you can find relatively early on in the game….

Cyberpunk 2077 Builds – Best Starting Skills
Builds in Cyberpunk 2077 are closely connected with the best potential starting skills, as well as Attributes and Perks. Fortunately, CDPR has designed the game…

Find a Way to Free Brick – Cyberpunk 2077 Brick Door Code – The Pickup quest
Find a way to free Brick in Cyberpunk 2077 The Pickup quest is an optional objective during the mission, and it involves, among other things,…

Maelstrom or Parker – Who to Visit First The Ride Cyberpunk 2077 Quest Guide
The choice of who to visit during The Ride quest in Cyberpunk 2077, Maelstrom or Parker, seems like it is the first truly big choice…

Choose Streetkid, Corpo or Nomad Lifepath Choice in Cyberpunk 2077
The Streetkid, Corpo or Nomad choice in Cyberpunk 2077 happens at the very start, and that’s where you choose your character’s lifepath. Your Cyberpunk 2077…

Forgelands Fresco Myth Challenge Puzzle Solution Immortals Fenyx Rising
Immortal Fenyx Rising Forgelands fresco myth challenge puzzles are block-sliding brainteasers that you have to solve by dragging the blocks to form a picture. The…

War’s Den Fresco Myth Challenge Puzzle Solution Immortals Fenyx Rising
Immortals Fenyx Rising War’s Den Fresco Myth Challenge puzzles are activities that you can do in the game, and they’re scattered around the map. In…

Valley of Eternal Spring Fresco Myth Challenge Puzzle Solution Immortals Fenyx Rising
The Fresco Myth Challenge in Immortals Fenyx Rising Valley of Eternal Spring is one of a great number of puzzles that you can solve around…

Immortals Fenyx Rising Forgelands Lyre Myth Challenge Puzzle Solution
Forgelands Big Lyre Myth Challenge puzzle in Immortals Fenyx Rising is one of several such puzzles that you have to solve in the game. Basically,…

Immortals Fenyx Rising Piece of Nike Locations
Piece of Nike in Immortals Fenyx Rising are a special kind of hidden collectibles that you can find scattered around the map, and they seem…

Ares’s Treasury Fortress Mechanism Puzzle Solutions Immortals Fenyx Rising
The mechanism puzzles in Ajax’s Fort in Immortals Fenyx Rising is a series of challenges you’ll have to solve in order to unlock Ares’s Treasury…

Retrieve Salpinx from Protector’s Jaws in Immortals Fenyx Rising
Immortals Fenyx Rising Retrieve Salpinx from Protector’s Jaws is one of the steps of the Pecking Order quest in the game. As you might have…

Return Odysseus’s Ship Home in Immortals Fenyx Rising – Do Hero Things
Immortals Fenyx Rinsing Return Odysseus’s Ship Home is a step during the Go Do Hero Things quest that Athena gives you. To complete it, you…

One Bad Apple – Recover Apple of Discord in Immortals Fenyx Rising
Immortals Fenyx Rising Recover Apple of Discord is a step in the One Bad Apple quest, and it’s pretty clear what you have to do….

King’s Peak Fresco Myth Challenge Puzzle Solutions Immortals Fenyx Rising
Immortals Fenyx Rising King’s Peak fresco myth challenge puzzles are the same as the others that you find scattered across the map. They vary in…