Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.

Archives for author: JoeTheBard

valheim how to upgrade workbench

Valheim How to Upgrade Workbench

Upgrading your workbench in Valheim allows you to unlock better recipes, which you’ll need in order to progress through the game. So, naturally, people are…

valhiem taming boars wolves

Valheim Taming Boars, Wolves, Lox

Taming wild animals, specifically boars, wolves, and lox in Valheim is one of the more interesting things that you can do in the game. Valheim…

valheim seeds how to plant seeds

Valheim Seeds – How to Plant Seeds

How to plant seeds in Valheim is a question that a lot of players have been asking. That’s understandable, considering that you’ll likely start getting…

cod cold war zombies partially installed

COD Cold War Zombies Partially Installed

The “partially installed” bug in COD Cold War Zombies is a glitch that has affected mostly Xbox players, preventing them from accessing the new Firebase…

apple locations genshin impact

Genshin Impact Apple Locations

Genshin Impact apple locations are a part of certain quests in the game, and can also be used as a food item. Now, of course,…

primo geovishap genshin impact

Primo Geovishap Genshin Impact

Primo Geovishap is a newly-added boss battle in Genshin, and it is a part of the quest No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty you…

genshin impact dainsleif questions

Genshin Impact Dainsleif Questions

Dainsleif’s questions in Genshin Impact are a part of the newly-added quest chain. During this portion, you have to select your answers for the three…

perfect shot genshin impact

Perfect Shot Genshin Impact

Perfect Shot is one of a myriad of side quests that you can pick up and complete in Genshin, and it requires you to talk…

final fantasy xiv cerberus mount

Final Fantasy XIV Cerberus Mount

Cerberus Mount in Final Fantasy XIV is a new mount that you can earn by completing the newly-added content in Update 5.45. Specifically, you have…