Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Unlock Karve in Valheim
Valheim Karve is a ship that you can unlock and craft, and it is a step above having a raft. It offers more room for…

Valheim Vulkan API – Play Valheim Using Vulkan
Vulkan API support in Valheim has been added to the game with the latest update, and people is wondering what is Vulkan and how to…

Outriders Win64-Shipping.exe Error Solution
The Win64-Shipping.exe error in Outriders is one of a number of problems that people are encountering when trying to play the long-awaited demo of the…

How to Get Emotes in Outriders
Outriders emotes and how to get them has been one of many subjects of discussion among the impatient player base. After all, in games like…

How to Uncap Outriders Frame Rate 30 FPS
The Outriders demo is capped to 30 FPS, and that has caused some commotion among the players, with many wondering if they can get rid…

Outriders Demo – Connection Error, Stuck on Authenticating
Internet connection errors, getting stuck on authenticating, and cannot connect to servers in Outriders demo are problems that people are currently encountering en masse. Of…

Outriders Cross Save
Cross save in Outriders has been the subject of discussion among interested gamers who are planning to play on more than one platform; they want…

Get Mario Items in Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing Mario items include a whole bunch of stuff that you’ll be able to purchase once you download the content update and the event…

Ley Line Overflow – Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Ley Line Overflow is an in-game event that’s going to start later this week, and will last for seven days. As the name…

Persona 5 Strikers Best Bond Skills
Best bond skills in Persona 5 Strikers somewhat depend on your preferred play style, but some of them can benefit all players. Some of them…

Persona 5 Strikers Ferris Wheel – Pick Partner for Ferris Wheel
Picking your partner for the Ferris wheel ride in the new Persona 5 spinoff is a choice you’ll get at one point in the game….

Gusts of Punishment – Defeat Succubus – Persona 5 Strikers
Persona 5 Strikers Gusts of Punishment defeat succubus request requires you to exploit the weakness of the succubi enemies three times. This presents players with…

Persona 5 Strikers Trophies Not Showing
Trophies not showing in Persona 5 Strikers is an issue that a number of players have been encountering. Specifically, people that have been playing the…

Valheim Wooden Constructions Deteriorate to 50% HP
Wooden constructions in Valheim deteriorate to 50% HP seemingly out of nowhere, and players are confused as to what’s happening. Why are wooden structures losing…

Watch Dogs Legion Online Mode Coming March 9th
Ubisoft have announced the launch date of the Watch Dogs Legion online mode. It’s dropping on March 9th, as a free update for all of…

Valheim Core Wood
Core wood in Valheim is a valuable crafting material in the game that you can get relatively early in the game. It’s necessary for making…

Barley Flour Valheim
Valheim barley flour is a cooking ingredient that you can get in the game, and it’s a required ingredient for some of the best foods…

Lox Meat Pie – Valheim Best Food
Valheim lox meat pie is one of the best foods you can make in the game, so the ingredients are relatively difficult to come by….

Blood Pudding Valheim – Best Food
Valheim Blood Pudding is one of the best foods you can make in the game, and figuring out how to get it is very much…

Valheim Adze Upgrade
The Adze upgrade in Valheim is a necessary component to upgrading your workbench, after you unlock the recipe. Upgrading the workbench allows you to craft…