Archives for author: JoeTheBard

AC Valhalla Egg Hunt Riddle Solution – Ostara Festival – Easter Eggs
The Egg Hunt in AC Valhalla is one of the quests that you can complete during the Ostara Festival. As the name implies, it’s a…

AC Valhalla Ostara Festival Ending Soon 48 Hours
The Ostara festival in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is basically the Easter festival in the game, just paying homage to the holiday’s pagan roots. There’s going…

Animal Crossing Sanrio Update & Items
The March update for Animal Crossing New Horizons is out now, bringing the Easter seasonal event and support for Sanrio items and villagers. It’s an…

Noelle Hangout All Endings Guide Genshin Impact
Noelle Hangout is a new story quest in Genshin Impact, and it has six different endings that you can unlock. They’re called A Cold Reception,…

Bennett Hangout All Endings Guide Genshin Impact
Bennett Hangout is a new story quest in Genshin Impact, and it has a total of six different endings to unlock. These are called Fruitless…

Search for Red Wolfhooks Genshin Impact Barbara Event
The Barbara hangout event in Genshin Impact has you searching for Red Wolfhooks in one of the steps. It seems simple on the surface, since…

Help Bennett Gather Ingredients Genshin Impact – Mint, Radish, Slime
The Genshin Impact Bennett hangout quest has you gathering ingredients for him; specifically, he’ll ask you for Mint, Radish, and Slime Condensate. While getting the…

Take Picture of Falcon Coast from Cape Oath Noelle Hangout
The Noelle Hangout quest in Genshin Impact requires you to take a picture of Falcon Coast from Cape Oath at one point. It’s not the…

AC Valhalla Transmog How to Change Appearance
Transmog in AC Valhalla is a new system that the developers are adding, and it will let you change the appearance of your armor and…

Fortnite Spire Boss Location – How to Get Spire Assassin’s Primal Shotgun
The Spire Assassin boss in Fortnite is a new AI enemy that you can fight in the game, and it drops the golden Primal Shotgun…

Fortnite Craft Hunter’s Cloak
Hunter’s Cloak in Fortnite is a new weapon that you can make in the game, using the new gameplay system. In order to craft the…

Fortnite Primal Season 6 – Map, Battle Pass Skins, Weapons, Wolves, Patch Notes
Fortnite Season 6 Primal is finally here, and it’s bringing a ton of new stuff to the game. There’s a ton of new places to…

Hangout Events – Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Hangout events are new quests that the developers are adding to the game in Update 1.4, along with a bunch of other new…

Genshin Impact Update 1.4 Invitation of Windblume Release Date & Time
Invitation of Windblume event in Genshin Impact is coming soon, and it’s piquing the interest of the player base. New content is always a reason…

Loop Hero Frog King – How to Summon Boss
Frog King is a secret, Easter egg boss that you can summon and defeat if you want to. This Loop Hero boss is a silly…

Elegy for the End & Alley Flash – Epitome Invocation Wish Event
The Epitome Invocation wish event in Genshin Impact is coming soon, and it will feature two event-exclusive weapons – Elegy for the End and Alley…

Apex Legends Lobby Chat Not Working Solution
The chat not working in Apex Legends is a problem that some people have been encountering on PC. Basically, they can’t use their microphones to…

Loop Hero Review – Filling the Void
You pray for something new under the gaming sun, but the skies are silent AF. Suddenly, a thunder! Inside the smoking impact hole sizzles Loop…

Hitman Location Watch Dogs Legion Online
The Hitman is one of the best recruits you can have in Watch Dogs Legion. The new online mode is no different; the hitman has…

Watch Dogs Legion Online Best Recruits
Best recruits in Watch Dogs Legion Online are basically people that will turn your team into a lean, mean, hacking machine. There are a number…