Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.

Archives for author: JoeTheBard

fire herb monster hunter rise

Fire Herb Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Fire Herb is a crafting material that’s a crucial component of several recipes, both for armor sets and various consumables. Fortunately, since…

kamura ticket monster hunter rise

Kamura Ticket Monster Hunter Rise

MH Rise Kamura Ticket is a crafting material that is a necessary component for the Medium Armor Set and Channeler Armor Set. However, the problem…

dreamshell monster hunter rise

Dreamshell Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Dreamshell is a crafting material that you can gather and use to make a number of items, such as the Shell-Studded Armor….

mhr big fin monster hunter rise

MHR Big Fin Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Big Fin is a relatively rare crafting material, which is a necessary component in several armor sets. These include the Barroth, Makluva,…

hide helmet in monster hunter rise

Hide Helmet in Monster Hunter Rise

Hiding your helmet in MHR is a simple mechanic that’s a part of a system that lets you make certain parts of your gear invisible….

mhr meaty hide locations slay zamite sub camp 1 materials monster hunter rise

MHR Meaty Hide Locations – Slay Zamite

Meaty Hide in Monster Hunter Rise is a crafting material that you can get from Zamites, and is necessary for making, for example, Barioth Armor….

mhr dragonhusk shard location monster hunter rise

MHR Dragonhusk Shard Location

Dragonhusk Shard in Monster Hunter Rise is a material that you can gather, and it’s essential for, among other things, progressing your weapons in the…

monster hunter rise amiibo lottery

Monster Hunter Rise Amiibo Lottery

Amiibo Lottery in MH Rise is a special system that allows you to use amiibo to get useful items; mostly consumables and resources and the…

monster hunter rise change character appearance hairstyle makeup clothing voice

MHR Change Character Appearance

Changing your character appearance in Monster Hunter Rise, which can include the hairstyle, makeup, voice, and more, is just one of the mechanics in the…

how to update cookie run kingdom

How to Update Cookie Run Kingdom

Those of you that are having trouble figuring out how to update Cookie Run Kingdom, worry not; we’ve got you covered. The process is not…