Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.

Archives for author: JoeTheBard

outriders bad day crash bug fix

Outriders Bad Day Crash Bug Fix

The Bad Day side quest in Outriders has a huge problem, where it causes the game to crash for some people. It’s not the biggest…

turn off quick chat in among us

Turn Off Quick Chat in Among Us

Among Us Quick Chat is a new system that the developers have implemented, which bars younger players (and those without an account) from talking freely…

monster hunter rise altaroth jaws & stomachs

Monster Hunter Rise Altaroth Jaws & Stomachs

Altaroth Jaws & Stomachs in MH Rise are crafting materials that are necessary ingredients in certain weapon and armor recipes. So, if you’re aiming to…

outriders stuck on signed in

Outriders Stuck on Signed In

Outriders players are having trouble when trying to sign into the game, especially on PlayStation 5. Specifically, they are getting stuck on the Signed In…

is outriders on game pass

Is Outriders on Game Pass

Outriders is launching today, and some people are wondering whether they can play it on the Xbox Pass. The reason this question keeps cropping up…

monster hunter rise monster broth

Monster Hunter Rise Monster Broth

Monster Broth in MH Rise is a crafting material that you need to craft a number of different weapons and armor. So, there’s a lot…

sinister cloth monster hunter rise

Sinister Cloth Monster Hunter Rise

MH Rise Sinister Cloth is a crafting material that you need to make a specific, fairly powerful and cool-looking armor set. That sounds simple enough,…

stargazer flowers monster hunter rise

Stargazer Flowers Monster Hunter Rise

MH Rise Stargazer Flowers are a crafting material that is a key component in making one of the armor sets. This set gives you a…

outriders release date & time

Outriders Release Date & Time

The launch date and time of Outriders are upon us, and, as a result, gamers are wondering when they can start playing the game. Understandable,…

sturdy bone monster hunter rise

Sturdy Bone Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Sturdy Bone is a crafting material in the game that is a necessary component in a number of recipes for both weapons…