Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Roblox Airport Tycoon Codes
The list of currently active Roblox Airport Tycoon codes has fourteen different codes, all of which reward you with a substantial amount of cash. You…

Roblox Ninja Legends Codes
There’s a large number of Roblox Ninja Legends codes that are currently active, and you can get a ton of useful stuff. Most of them…

MM2 Codes June 2024 – Murder Mystery 2 Codes
The Murder Mystery 2 codes have been a bit of a problem in the Roblox community lately. Why? Well, it’s mostly because there’s a bunch…

Unta Nunu Genshin Impact Hilichurl Event
Unta Nunu is a step in the currently active Mimi Tomo hilichurl event that you can complete by solving the “riddle.” The puzzle, of course,…

Mita Movo Lata Genshin Impact Hilichurl Event
Mita movo lata is a demand that you’ll have to fulfill in the new hilichurl event. To do that, you have to consult your Genshin…

How to Change Name in Knockout City
Figuring out how to change your name in Knockout City is a bit of a mess at the moment. It seems that you can only…

Knockout City How to Fake Throw
Figuring out how to fake throw in Knockout City is a relatively important part if you want to be successful in the game. It’s a…

Knockout City Redeem Codes
You redeem Knockout City codes in order to get various bonus items, and right now, it’s all cosmetic items. There are several codes that you…

Biomutant Red Key, Yellow Key & Orange Key Location
The Red Key, Yellow Key and Orange Key in Biomutant are special items that unlock three specific doors scattered across the map. So, in order…

Biomutant How to Change Weapons & Equip Healing Items
Changing your weapons and equipping healing items in Biomutant are, as you can probably guess, pretty important mechanics if you’re to survive the game’s savage,…

How to Change Tribe in Biomutant
You can change your Biomutant tribe when and if you decide that your current allies don’t reflect your character’s views. It’s a neat feature, which…

Biomutant Perfect Reload – How It Works
Perfect Reload is a general perk in Biomutant that instantly reloads your gun and gives 20% extra damage for the next magazine. It’s an incredibly…

Biomutant Rotation Puzzle Bug Solution – Can’t Rotate Nodes
Biomutant rotation puzzle bug is an issue that has been bothering players by making it nigh-impossible to rotate the nodes correctly. This is a pretty…

Biomutant Upgrade Bench for Gearwear & Weapons
Gearwear & Weapons upgrade benches in Biomutant are places where you can upgrade and modify your gear and/or weapons. This makes them a fairly significant…

Biomutant Hypoxia – Oxygen Pingdish & Suit Location for Surviving the Deadzone
Hypoxia in Biomutant is a status effect that will eventually kill you, and you need to locate the oxygen suit to survive the Deadzone and…

Biomutant Change Fur Color – Character Customization
Changing your fur color in Biomutant is a part of the game’s character customization, but which won’t be available right from the start. Instead, you…

Biomutant Mutation Spot – Change Your Character Appearance
Mutation spots in Biomutant are special locations where you can change your character appearance. You can find these dumps of neon-green ooze in specific areas…

Biomutant Break Wall to Third Moth Nest in the Outpost
Breaking metal walls in Biomutant to get to the third nest in the Mitre Mop & Sknapptrutt Outposts are obstacles that you have to destroy…

Dying Light 2 Big Announcement Coming May 27th
The lovely people from Techland, the developers of Dying Light 2, have sent us a lovely package and a bit of a puzzle. Once we…

Biomutant Charisma – Is Charisma Stat Beneficial
The Charisma attribute in Biomutant is one of your core stats that you can spend points on, if you should so choose. It has certain…