Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.

Archives for author: JoeTheBard

psychonauts 2 lili fungus location

Psychonauts 2 Lili Fungus Location

The Psychonauts 2 Lili Fungus location is the place where you need to go to find the mushroom and complete Lili’s side quest. Basically, she…

how to slide madden 22

How to Slide – Madden 22

The question of how to slide in Madden 22 has been bothering a lot of people, as far as I can see. There might be…

psychonauts 2 emotional baggage

Psychonauts 2 Emotional Baggage

Psychonauts 2 Emotional Baggage is a collectible that you can find scattered around each level of the game. They are kinda hard to find, and…

skyrim pregnant skeleton location

Skyrim Pregnant Skeleton Location

The Skyrim Pregnant Skeleton location is a place that’s fairly desolate and off the beaten path. If you do visit it, what you’ll find is…

brawlhalla legends with ties to batavia

Brawlhalla Legends with Ties to Batavia

Win Matches as Legends with Ties to Batavia Brawlhalla weekly challenge is the new mission you have to complete this week. It requires you to…

new raal lmg warzone season 5

New Raal LMG – Warzone Season 5

The new Warzone Season 5 Raal LMG is a new rifle that you can unlock in this Call of Duty. However, in order to pull…

slayers unleashed codes doma update

Slayers Unleashed Codes – Doma Update

Slayers Unleashed Doma Update codes are the brand new codes that the developers have added in the latest patch. The list includes around thirty codes,…

how to get darcy watch dogs legion

How to Get Darcy – Watch Dogs Legion

The question of how to get Darcy in Watch Dogs Legion has been itching the game’s player base now that the Assassin’s Creed crossover update…

horde mode aliens fireteam elite

Horde Mode – Aliens Fireteam Elite

Aliens Fireteam Elite horde mode is a special mode that you can unlock in the game. It pits you against waves of ever more powerful…

warframe omega isotope

Warframe Omega Isotope

Warframe Omega Isotope is a special ingredient, or resource, that you need in order to craft the Fomorian Disruptor and complete the Balor Fomorian event….

spotlight hour pokemon go august 24

Spotlight Hour Pokemon Go – August 24

The August 24th Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour has been announced, and it will feature the adorable squirrel-creature Skwovet. Of course, as is customary with these…

valorant error 43 39 and 59 code fix

Valorant Error 43, 39 and 59 Code Fix

Valorant error code 39, 43 and 59 are fairly common problems that people encounter while playing, so of course they want to know how to…