Archives for author: JoeTheBard

NBA 2K22 How to Redeem Showdown XP Reward on MyTEAM in Season 3
If you’re struggling with how to redeem the NBA 2K22 Showdown 15,000 XP reward on MyTEAM in Season 3, you’ve come to the right place….

Where is Arbiter in Halo Infinite Easter Egg
If you’re wondering where the Halo Infinite Arbiter Easter egg is, we’ve got you covered. It is a special little surprise for all of you…

Destiny 2 Shuro Chi Wish
The Destiny 2 Shuro Chi Wish is one of the wishes you can make at the Wall of Wishes in the Last Wish raid, if…

Cocoa Cookie Toppings Cookie Run Kingdom
Cocoa Cookie Toppings in Cookie Run Kingdom are a matter of some interest among the game’s fanbase, which is completely understandable, since it’s a brand…

Den of Thieves Genshin Impact Challenge 2, Go to Investigation Site & Perform Rescue
In our Den of Thieves Genshin Impact Challenge 2 – Go to Investigation Site & Perform Rescue guide, we’re actually going to cover the whole…

Tower Skull Halo Infinite Collectibles, Spartan Cores, Armor Locker, Audio Logs
The Halo Infinite Tower collectibles – Skull, Spartan Cores, Armor Locker, Audio Logs are scattered inside, outside, and in the case of one of them,…

Switch Equipment Halo Infinite Campaign
Knowing how to switch equipment in the Halo Infinite campaign is absolutely necessary if you’re going to complete the game with any degree of efficiency….

Change Difficulty Halo Infinite Campaign
If you want to change the Halo Infinite campaign difficulty for whatever reason, you can do it. All the classic Halo difficulty choices are still…

Halo Infinite Collectibles Warship Gbraakon First Skull, Audio Log Locations
Halo Infinite Warship Gbraakon collectibles, first skull and audio log locations are places where you can find these special, bonus items. While the audio logs…

Halo Infinite Skull Locations
Halo Infinite Skull Locations are places where you can get these hidden collectibles. Mind you, even though many of them are very hard to find…

Halo Infinite Co-Op Campaign Release Date
The Halo Infinite co-op campaign release date has been a matter of some concern to players that want to experience the game’s story with friends….

FFXIV Error 90006 Fix, Connection With the Server Was Lost
The fix for the FFXXIV Error 90006, which tells you that the connection with the server was lost is something you might need these days,…

Cocoa Cookie Run Kingdom Update, New Costumes
The Cookie Run Kingdom Cocoa Cookie update is coming soon, and it will bring things like new costumes, decors, and buildings. And, of course, the…

Retraced Path Destiny 2 Legendary Trace Rifle
The Destiny 2 Retraced Path legendary trace rifle is a new weapon added in the Bungie 30th anniversary event. You can earn it by playing…

Candy Simulator Codes Roblox December 2021
The Candy Simulator Roblox December 2021 codes have been revealed, and both of them grant you free in-game currency to buy various upgrades for your…

FFXIV Eat Pizza Emote
The FFXIV Eat Pizza emote is a new emote that you’ll be able to get soon if you jump through a whole bunch of hoops….

Encounters Codes Roblox December 2021
The Roblox Encounters December 2021 codes are now out, and they unlock different amounts of the game’s two currencies. One gives you a bunch of…

How to Get to Solaceon Ruins Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
If you need to know how to get to Solaceon Ruins in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you’ve come to the right place. The…

FFXIV Error 4004 Kicked from Queue Workaround
The FFXIV Error 4004 Kicked from Queue workaround is something some of you might have to figure out. This error is one of a bevvy…

Shiny Druddigon Pokemon GO Dragonspiral Descent
The Shiny Druddigon in the new Pokemon added in the Pokemon GO Dragonspiral Descent event. You will be able to encounter both the regular and…