Archives for author: Ketchua

Gameplay Walkthrough Video
Ubisoft have uploaded a new trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate to Youtube. They’ve dubbed it a “gameplay walkthrough video”, and it shows an entire mission…

Jacob Frye Trailer For AC: Syndicate
Ubisoft have published a new trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate. The video introduces Jacob Frye, one of the protagonists, through a fighting scene that involves…

Place Of Power
Places of Power are special shrines in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Drawing from each of them for the first time grants you an ability…

Achievements & Trophies List
There are 52 achievements / trophies you can unlock in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can obtain them by hunting monsters, beating enemies a…

Debut Trailer For AC: Syndicate Released
The debut trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate has shown up on Youtube. The two minute long video shows the main selling points of the next…

Release Date Announced For AC: Syndicate
Ubisoft have revealed the release date for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One versions of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. Sadly, the PC version still has no…

AC: Syndicate Revealed
During last night’s livestream event, Ubisoft have unveiled the next game in everyone’s favorite series. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate will be set in Victorian London –…

List Of Reviews For TW3
The review embargo for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been lifted, and the opinions are starting to pour in. For your convenience, we’ve decided…

TW3 Review Embargo Lifts Today
The first reviews for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are going to be published later today. Lifting the embargo a full week before release is…

House Of Wolves Preview Video Released
Over on their official blog, Bungie have released a preview video for Destiny’s next expansion, House Of Wolves. It’s full of footage of new activities,…

In The Witcher 3, armor is used in order to protect you and change your appearance. There are three categories of armor – light, medium…

New Assassin’s Creed Game Reveal
Ubisoft have published a video announcement for the video reveal of their next Assassin’s Creed video game. The video is short and to the point,…

TW3 Rage & Steel Trailer Released
CD Projekt RED have released a new trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, called Rage & Steel. In it, Geralt and Ciri slash, decapitate,…

Prison Of Elders Reveal Video
Yesterday, Bungie held a livestream tour event on the official Twitch channel. In it, they’ve shown The Prison Of Elders, the new Destiny end-game activity…

TW3 Monsters Trailer Released
CD Projekt Red have released a new trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In it, you can watch artists and designers from the studio…

Prison Of Elders Teaser For House Of Wolves
Bungie have announced another livestream tour for Destiny’s next expansion, House Of Wolves. The stream, scheduled for tomorrow, will cover the Prison Of Elders –…

Signs – TW3: Wild Hunt
Signs are the magic spells you can use in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. There are five of them, each with its unique effects and…

Language Versions of TW3: Wild Hunt
In a recent post on the official Witcher forums, CD Projekt RED community manager Chris Priestly published a list of all the different languages in…

Exact Launch Time For The Witcher 3
CD Projekt RED have revealed the exact launch times for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. The release will…

Witcher 3 Gwent Card Game
Gwent is a dwarven card game you can play in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It’s the favourite pastime of many Northerners, and opponents of…