Archives for author: Ketchua

Gwent Strategy Guide
Gwent is a popular card game played by many characters in The Witcher 3. You can play it too, and with a little work, you…

Horse Races
Horse races are activities you can do in The Witcher 3. There are 11 opponents you can race, and winning nets you crowns, experience, and…

Monster Hair
Monster Hair is a crafting material used to make some of the best armor in The Witcher 3. It’s also an ingredient in many alchemy…

Monster Eye
Monster Eye is a crafting material used for making some of the best armor in The Witcher 3. It is also used as an ingredient…

Lesser Red Mutagen Farming Location
Lesser Red Mutagen is an item that can be equipped to increase attack power. However, you can make a stronger mutagen by combining weaker ones….

Venom Extract Farming Locations | Witcher 3
Venom Extract is an alchemy ingredient used for crafting various important items in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can get Venom Extract by defeating…

Armorer Locations
Armorers are craftsmen that make and repair armor in The Witcher 3. They craft advanced armor sets if you provide them with the diagrams and…

TW3 Monster Trophies
During your travels in the Northern Realms in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you’re going to spend a lot of time killing monsters. Aside from…

Blacksmith Locations
Blacksmiths are craftsmen that make weapons in The Witcher 3. You also need diagrams and materials if you want to craft something. In this guide,…

Master Armorer
Master Armorer is a craftsman in The Witcher 3. She’s the greatest armorer in the game, and can make the best armor. If you want…

Master Blacksmith
Master Blacksmith is a craftsman that can make the best weapons in The Witcher 3. In order to get access to his services, you need…

Characters Unmasked Video
In a brand new episode of Arkham Insider, their weekly webcast, Rocksteady let lead character artist Albert Feliu Gomis elaborate on the design process and…

Potions are concoctions you use to help you out in battle in The Witcher 3. They can speed up your vitality or stamina regeneration, make…

Oils are substances used to coat swords in The Witcher 3. They allow the user to do more damage to certain types of enemies. Thanks…

Money Exploit
Money exploits are quick ways to make money, outside of what the developers intended. If you’re in a hurry, you should take note – these…

Witcher 3 Quests
The quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are more than just tasks to perform. They will advance the plot, allow you to get to…

Best Starting Weapons
The Serpentine Steel Sword and Serpentine Silver Sword are great weapons in The Witcher 3. They are part of the Viper School set, and you…

Herb Locations
Herbs are used as alchemy ingredients in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. If you want to prepare potions, oils, bombs or decoctions, you’ll need to…

Be The Batman Trailer Released
Warner Bros and Rocksteady have released a live-action trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight, with a bit of gameplay footage thrown in near the end, for…

Balisse Fruit
Balisse Fruit is a plant in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It is a low bush with purple, hanging flowers. White Orchard, the starting area…