Archives for author: Ketchua

Infinite Money, Weapons, Ammo, Armor Glitch
There’s a vendor exploit in Fallout 4 that lets you sell an item over and over again, effectively giving you unlimited store credit at that…

U.S. Covert Operations Manual Locations
US Covert Operations Manual is a skill book in Fallout 4. The first issue of the magazine will unlock a unique perk, while subsequent ones…

Unstoppables Locations
Unstoppables is a perk magazine in Fallout 4. The first issue of this collectible skill book unlocks a unique perk that gives you 1% chance…

Bobblehead Locations
Vault-Tec Bobbleheads are collectible items in Fallout 4. They’re figurines representing Vault-Boy in different poses and outfits. Each one you collect will increase a SPECIAL…

Live & Love Locations
Live & Love is a magazine in Fallout 4. It’s a collectible skill book – each issue unlocks a unique perk that influences companions or…

Grognak The Barbarian Locations
Grognak The Barbarian is a perk magazine in Fallout 4. The first skill book you pick up will unlock the Barbarian perk (+5% critical damage…

Guns and Bullets Locations
Guns and Bullets is a perk magazine in Fallout 4. Each issue of this skill book increases your critical damage with ballistic weapons by 5%….

Energy Weapons Bobblehead
Energy Weapons Bobblehead is a collectible item in Fallout 4 – a statue of a blonde man in a blue jumpsuit – that increases your…

Repair Bobblehead
Repair Bobblehead is a Fallout 4 collectible item, which increases the duration of your fusion cores. It makes these Power Armor fuel cells last 10%…

Curie Companion
Curie is a Mr.Handy robot and one of the companions in Fallout 4. She’s well armed and good at science, thus a great choice for…

Fusion Core Locations
Fusion Cores are fuel cells for Power Armor in Fallout 4. They are required for running the armor – if you’re out of juice, it…

Cait Companion
Cait is a vicious pit-fighter and a potential companion in Fallout 4. She’s a great unarmed fighter, but also has a problem with chems. In…

Paladin Danse Companion
Paladin Danse is one of the early companions in Fallout 4. He’s a paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel, which means he’s equipped with a…

Perk Magazine Locations
Perk magazines are collectibles in Fallout 4. Finding and collecting them unlocks and upgrades unique perks that are otherwise inaccessible. In this guide, we’re going…

Lock Picking Bobblehead
Lock Picking Bobblehead is a collectible statue in Fallout 4, which helps you open locked doors. The description on the figure reads “Always strive for…

Nick Valentine Companion
Nick Valentine is a synth and NPC character you can recruit as your companion in Fallout 4. He’s a detective straight out of a noir…

Robco Fun Locations
Robco Fun is a magazine in Fallout 4. Each issue contains a holodisk with a copy of a holotape game on it. In this guide,…

Tesla Science Locations
Tesla Science is a perk magazine in Fallout 4. It’s a skill book with several issues – each one increases your energy weapon damage by…

Tumblers Today Locations
Tumblers Today is a Fallout 4 skill book. It’s a magazine with several issues, which unlocks a unique perk when you read it. Each issue…

Deacon Companion
Deacon is one of the companions in Fallout 4. He’s a spy for the Railroad faction, and as expected, is quite versed in stealth. In…