Archives for author: Ketchua

Robot Customization in Automatron
If you’d like to take on a robot companion in Fallout 4, the Automatron DLC has what you’re looking for. The bots can be turned…

How To Customize Robots in Automatron
Robot customization is a new feature in Fallout 4, added with the Automatron DLC. It allows you to build your own robot companions, change their…

Tesla Armor Locations
Tesla Armor is a new kind of power armor added to Fallout 4 with the Automatron DLC. It’s a modified version of the T-60 suit…

How To Start Automatron DLC Quest
Automatron is the new add-on for Fallout 4. It contains a new quest line, in which you have to battle the Mechanist and his army…

New Holotape Game in Automatron DLC
According to a tweet from Bethesda, there may be a new holotape game coming to Fallout 4. If the image they published is more than…

Automatron DLC Screenshots
In a new post on their official blog, Bethesda have published a batch of screenshots from Automatron, the first piece of DLC for Fallout 4….

Russian Consulate Challenge Mode
Russian Consulate is one of the story missions in The Division. When you’ve gone through the story and reached rank 30, you’ll unlock the challenging…

Automatron DLC Release Date
Bethesda has released a new trailer for Automatron, the first piece of DLC for Fallout 4. The video shows off robot customization, a few nuggets…

WarrenGate Power Plant Challenge Mode
WarrenGate Power Plant Challenge Mode is an end game daily activity in The Division. It lets you replay the plant mission in Styvesant on challenging…

Weapon Skins
Weapon Skins are mods for guns in The Division. They’re used for customization and only affect the look of an item. You can get them…

Dune & Ranger Jacket
Dune & Ranger jackets are rare outfits in The Division. They can be bought from the Dark Zone vendor in DZ06, for copius amounts of…

Dark Zone Named Enemy Locations
Dark Zone Named Enemies are elite mobs in The Division. After you hit level 30 in PvE, they’ll start dropping superior or high-end items and…

Lexington Event Center Challenge Mode
Lexington Event Center is one of the missions in The Divison that has a challenge mode. Once you’ve beaten the story and reached rank 30,…

Secret Chest Locations in Missions
Secret Chests are hidden loot containers that can be found during missions in The Division. They contain uncommon items and can be looted only once….

What To Do When You Hit Level 30
The Division End Game starts when you reach level 30. This is the final rank, the place where XP doesn’t matter anymore. When you get…

Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint Challenge Mode
Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint is one of the main missions in The Division. After you reach level 30, it can be replayed on challenging difficulty. It…

Challenge Mode Guide
Challenge Mode is an end game activity in The Division. It unlocks after you hit level 30 and lets you play main missions on challenging…

Best Builds, Talents & Skills
The best builds in The Division are the ones that suit your needs. Deciding which skills and talents are right for you depends on many…

How to Change Gear Stats
The recalibration station is an upgrade that lets you re-roll gear stats in The Division. It can help you turn a piece of armor you…

Chelsea Intel Collectibles Locations
Chelsea is the first area you’ll visit in The Division. There are 21 collectibles to be found there, of all four kinds – phone recordings,…