Archives for author: Genius

Doom Mission 6 Collectibles & Secrets Kadingir Sanctum
Mission 6: Kadingir Sanctum is the sixth campaign mission in Doom 2016. This is the first mission in the Hell dimension, so the surroundings change…

Every Nook and Cranny Achievement / Trophy
Doom 2016 offers a huge world for exploration, where you’ll come across well-hidden collectible items. Finding these items will unlock certain achievements, give you upgrade…

Doom Cheat Codes
Just like in previous Doom 1-3 versions, players can activate cheat codes in Doom 2016 PC version by typing them into the console. During gameplay,…

How to change name Doom Marine
Doom has officially launched, and players can grab new futuristic weapons and mow down scary-looking demons. Once you decide to try multiplayer and all-new game…

I Can See My House From Here Trophy
I Can See My House From Here Trophy is one of the Bronze trophies in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. It can be completed if…

Wingman Trophy Guide
Wingman trophy is one of the bronze trophies in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. In order to complete it, you’ll have to perform 10 combo…

Uncharted 4 Still Got It Trophy Guide
While wandering through the world of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, players will be able to complete more than 50 trophies / achievements. During Chapter…

How to Play Miko
Miko is one of the heroes in Battleborn. He is an Eldrid mushroom man. Armed with weak poison kunais and a healing ray, Miko is…

Prequel Videos for Battleborn
Gearbox and 2K Games have released three prequel videos for Battleborn. They’re meant to let you piece together the stories of various characters from the…

Controls List for Uncharted 4
Uncharted 4 is an adventure game. It lets you drive around in a Jeep, run and jump across ancient ruins, gun down enemies or quietly…

Final Trailer for Uncharted 4
Sony have released another trailer for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. The video is being called “Final Trailer”, which probably means we won’t see anymore…

Stoneplate Rings
Stoneplate Rings are three items found in Dark Souls 3. They are known as damage absorption rings, and they protect against fire, lightning and dark….

Nameless King Boss Fight
Nameless King is an optional boss in Dark Souls 3. He can be found in the hidden zone of Archdragon Peak. This is probably the…

How to use Spells & Magic in Dark Souls 3
Players who decided to focus their characters on spell casting can choose between a variety of offensive, defensive and support spells (magic) in Sorcery, Pyromancy…

PC controls in Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3 can be played on a gamepad or using a keyboard and mouse. If you’re having problems memorizing all the different commands and…

Iudex Gundyr Boss Guide
Iudex Gundyr is the first boss in Dark Souls 3. He appears at the end of the Cemetery of Ash, and opens the way to…

Chloranthy Ring in DkS3
Chloranthy Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. When equipped, it will increase the speed at which your stamina regenerates. This will allow you…

Dragonslayer Greatbow
Dragonslayer Greatbow is a rare weapon in Dark Souls 3. It was formerly used to kill dragons and its arrows look more like spears. It…

Siegward of Catarina
Siegward of Catarina is an NPC in Dark Souls 3, also known as Sir Onion. You can meet him several times throughout the game, in…

Soul of Boreal Valley Vordt
Soul of Boreal Valley Vordt is a unique soul in DkS3. You can get it by defeating Vordt of the Boreal Valley. It can be…