Author Genius profile picture
Nadia's favorite cartoon character is Wile E. Coyote Super Genius (hence the nickname). She has an uncanny ability to discover what guides gamers will be interested in (another reason for the nick). She's a professor of mathematics in her spare time (another nickname justification). The only non-genius thing she did was co-found GosuNoob.

Archives for author: Genius

Elden Ring Stonesword Key Locations

Elden Ring Stonesword Key Locations

Out of the hundreds of items you will come across in Elden Ring, Stonesword Key is definitely on the list of the most important ones….

evolve Kadabra into Alakazam pokemon legends Arceus

Evolve Kadabra in Pokemon Legends Arceus

Evolving Kadabra into Alakazam in Pokemon Legends Arceus is completely different, since Kadabra is one of the Pokemon that received a new evolution method. Previously,…

destiny 2 ancient skull

Destiny 2 Ancient Skull

With the latest Bungie’s 30th Anniversary event in Destiny 2, some strange items started showing up in different zones. One of these new items is…

Halo Infinite Beta Download

Halo Infinite Beta Download

Halo Infinite Beta has launched today for Xbox Consoles and PC, almost three weeks ahead of schedule. To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the franchise,…

Brawlhalla Order of the Exalted Lion

Brawlhalla Order of the Exalted Lion

Win matches with Legends that were once members of the Order of the Exalted Lion is a weekly challenge in Brawlhalla. You need to win…

fallout 76 how to play with friends

Fallout 76 How to play with friends

Fallout 76 Beta has started a few minutes ago for Xbox One players. The first Beta session will be available only from 7PM ET until…