Archives for author: Miodrag Kuzmanovic

Jagged Alliance 3 Review – A Worthy Sequel
Jagged Alliance 1 and 2, the most important formative games from my tender young days, had set an impossible standard for many cloners, imitators, and…

Dave the Diver Review – Perfect Summer Game
Diving for the fish during the day, and serving customers in the sushi restaurant by night, both in glorious retro 2D. Sounds like a free2play…

Diablo 4 Review – Desolation Row
In these uncertain, turbulent times, quality escapism is pretty much essential for individual well-being. Preferably, that distraction is something a person intimately recognizes and enjoys…

Amnesia: The Bunker Review – 3D Monster Maze
Frictional Games are undisputed masters of interactive dread since the first Amnesia (2010). Their signature brand of horror had always involved a defenseless amnesiac protagonist…

System Shock Review – Remember Citadel
Imagine being a caveman hunting a mammoth with a flint-tipped spear and bone arrows. Suddenly, a bright light flashes, weirdly dressed stranger materializes in front…

Age of Wonders 4 Review – Positively Magical
Since the early days of tabletop gaming, a crucial prerequisite for fantasy role-players was imagination. The ability to weave stories and fly unshackled from the…

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp Review – Wholesome Carnage
Take Battle Isle, inject a cartoon personality into it and you get Advance Wars. Oh, and make it less complicated by using squares instead of…

Resident Evil 4 Review – The Perfect Organism
Contrary to the other forms of art, perfection in gaming is a fleeting thing, prone to aging badly. Nobody would dare suggest improvements to Mozart’s…

The Last Spell Review – Chew You Up and Spit You Out
Suppose you are looking to spice up the early spring with a fantasy rogue-lite game, which one would you pick? A friend asked me that…

Company of Heroes 3 Review – Road To Rome
It has been roughly a decade since Company of Heroes 2. The real-time strategy genre didn’t exactly thrive back then, but now it’s objectively dead….

The Settlers: New Allies Review – Boring Shores
Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. It has been soooo long since the last Settlers game that I’m…

Deliver Us Mars Review – Nah, We’re Good
My father had a friend who worked for an old-school book publishing agency specialized in esothery and all sorts of new age faux-scientific hogwash. As…

Colossal Cave Review – Subterranean Obsolescence
The original Colossal Cave Adventure is one of the oldest examples of digital interactive fiction. In 1976, most civilians used the term “electronic brain” while…

World War 3 Review – No Nukes, Lots of Bullets
World War 3 is a free2play multiplayer FPS that sits somewhere between the callous casualness of Call of Duty and the hard-core ruggedness of Rising…

High on Life Review – Low on Everything Else
I must admit that I never watched Rick and Morty. A couple of cringey hipsters from my old job enthusiastically talked about it all the…

Warhammer 40K: Darktide Review – I Serve the Soviet Imperium
Almost exclusively, Warhammer 40K games are about indulging the Space Marine power fantasy, slicing and boltering the xenos, mutants, and heretics by the bushel. Playing…

Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Review – Gas, Guns and Gulags
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 landed in parallel with season One content for Modern Warfare II, instantly making classic multiplayer modes less attractive. Like its…

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review – NeverEnding Story
This is the nineteenth installment in Call of Duty main series. I thought hard about the great opening I would begin this review with, and…

Victoria 3 Review – The Missing Link
From Crusader Kings to Stellaris, Paradox Interactive masterfully translated the long ages between (factual) early middle ages and (fictional) space-faring future into epic strategy games….

Vampire Survivors Review – Irresistible Banality
Of course, you know by now about Vampire Survivors. Everyone does, and they are pretty vocal about it. Even if you ignored relentless Twitch streaming…