Archives for author: Lokesh
Chapter 3 – Claws of the Horde Guide
Chapter 3 – Claws of the Horde takes place in the area with several houses and a lot of enemies. The mission will reunite you with a member of the group that was left in the hospital, when you start the search for Leslie.
Chapter 14 – Ulterior Motives
Chapter 14 – Ulterior Motives – is slightly longer than the previous chapter. There is not a lot of background story being conveyed here. It…
Chapter 13 – Casualties
Chapter 13 – Casualties – continues The Evil Within story and you can notice that we are getting closer to the end because of the…
Chapter 12 – The Ride
Chapter 12 – The Ride – is one of the shortest chapters. This doesn’t affect the level of fun you’ll have while playing it thought….
Chapter 11 – Reunion
Chapter 11, Reunion, takes place in the city. This creates a really nice change of pace from the previous chapters. There is also a feeling…
Chapter 10 – The Craftsman’s Tools
Chapter 10 – The Craftsman’s Tools is one of the longer chapters. It provides us with more information about the new character that is inside…
Chapter 9 – The Cruelest Intentions
Chapter 9 – The Cruelest Intentions is chapter full of lore. It has many short cutscenes that enrich the story of The Evil Within. Finally…
Chapter 8 – A Planted Seed Will Grow
Chapter 8 – A Planted Seed Will Grow is the shortest chapter in the game so far. This, however, doesn’t affect the number of archive lore collectibles and number of stone statues that give keys.
Chapter 7 – The Keeper
Chapter 7 – The Keeper starts inside the Church and takes you through Church’s catacombs. During this chapter you can expect to acquire a large number of crafting materials for Agony Crossbow Bolts. They are acquired through trap disarming, and there are a lot of traps to be disarmed in this chapter.
Chapter 5 – Inner Recesses walkthrough
Chapter 5 – Inner Recesses takes place in the Hospital once again. This is a very long chapter and it is probably among the longest…
Chapter 4 – The Patient guide
Chapter 4 – The Patient introduces two new types of enemies, and you’ll need a special tactics to defeat them. For all of you who don’t care about the lore collectible items this mission will be very short.
Chapter 2 Remnants Guide
In the Chapter 2 – Remnants you’ll find out more about how to spend Green Gel points, get a Pistol, lamp, map fragments, items like Syringes to heal yourself, matches to burn bodies, trap parts for crafting Agony Crossbow bolts.
Chapter 1 – An Emergency Call guide
An Emergency Call is the first chapter in the Evil Within, where you’ll learn more about the main game mechanics and how to survival. Besides two long cut-scenes at the start and at the end of the chapter this is a pretty short mission.
Bow Legends Missions Guide
In order to upgrade the bow, players should complete 10 missions named Bow Legends. Completing all Legends will bring you 4,000 XP (400 each), 3,450 Mirian and additional 500 Mirian for bonus objectives (50 each).
Blueprints Locations Guide
Crafting is as a very important feature in Alien: Isolation. Before you can craft an item you have to find the corresponding blueprint. Every blueprint allows you to craft only one item, but each of them has up to three upgraded versions.
Weapons Guide
There are a lot of dangers in Alien: Isolation and getting something to fight them with is most helpful. There are six non-craftable weapons you can find in Alien: Isolation. Two of them are melee only while others are ranged.
Outbreak – Alien Isolation: Mission Six
Outbreak – Alien Isolation: Mission Six takes more time to complete than the previous one. It has a wide range of tasks that consist of…
The Quarantine – Mission 5
The Quarantine – Alien Isolation: Mission Five starts at Sevastopol Scimed Tower. You are about to go to Samuels and Taylor. This is a rather short mission but it consists of lots of hiding.
Mission 2 Welcome to Sevastopol
Welcome to Sevastopol is the second mission in Alien: Isolation and it involves exploring the Sevastopol space stations Arrival terminals and adjacent floors. Mission has many objectives and sub-objectives and the following guide will help you with all of them.
Mission One Closing The Book
This is the first Alien: Isolation mission and it helps you get familiar with game systems. You will explore the ship and hear some backstory along the way. Torrens is ship of same class as Nostromo, ship where the first Alien movie takes place, so you will get to see and explore some familiar spots.