Archives for author: Gosu No0b
The Price Of Passage
The Price Of Passage is a secondary quest in which you will have to deal with guards bent on relieving you of some of your coins.
Abandoned Sawmill
Abandoned Sawmill is a secondary quest that involves some sleuthing.
A Bard’s Beloved
A Bard’s Beloved is a short secondary quest that shouldn’t be undertaken by those who want their love stories to end happily.
Little Red
Little Red is a secondary quest and a tale of revenge in Novigrad’s countryside. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Novigrad Hospitality
Novigrad Hospitality is a secondary quest that could use some manners. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
The Most Truest Of Basilisks
The Most Truest of Basilisks is a secondary quest you encounter as you stroll north-east of Oxenfurt. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Spooked Mare
Spooked Mare is a secondary quest available in the fields outside Novigrad – prepare to make a decision. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
The Soldier Statuette
The Soldier Statuette is another short secondary quest available in the city of Novigrad.
A Tome Entombed
A Tome Entombed is a secondary quest that will see you traverse the sewers of Novigrad and face an ancient monster.
A Barnful Of Trouble
A Barnful Of Trouble is a short secondary quest available in Novigrad, but away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Empty Coop
Empty Coop is a short secondary quest set in Novigrad’s countryside. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
A Walk On The Waterfront
A Walk on the Waterfront is a secondary quest you can find near the winch crane at the end of south docks in Novigrad. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Warehouse Of Woe
Warehouse of Woe is a secondary quest located at the Unmarked Portside Warehouse, found in the Harborside District. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Never Trust Children
Never Trust Children is a very short secondary quest that will ambush you in Novigrad.
The Nobleman Statuette
The Nobleman Statuette is one of the many secondary quests Geralt can embark on in Novigrad.
Of Dairy And Darkness
Of Dairy and Darkness is one of the myriad secondary quests you can go on in Novigrad. It takes place in a store located right next to the Notice Board in Gildorf Square. This is a fun quest because you will deal with tyromancer’s secrets. Tyromancer, in case you are wondering, is a person practicing divination by observing the coagulation of cheese. You are dealing with the cheese mage! You will not be able to complete this quest unless you first finished the Main Story quest Wandering in the Dark. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Hey, You Wanna Look At My Stuff?
Hey, You Wanna Look at My Stuff is a secondary quest you begin by talking to a halfling merchant at a cobblestone street near the northwest harbor of Silverton.
Strumpet In Distress
Strumpet in Distress is a secondary quest which can be found in close vicinity to the docks.
Fencing Lessons
Fencing Lessons is a secondary quest in Novigrad, available a day after you’ve agreed to train Rosa fencing following the Broken Flowers Main Quest.
Out On Your Arse!
Out On Your Arse is a secondary quest which begins in front of Novigrad’s brothel called Crippled Kate’s.