AC Valhalla Trygve - Under the Skin
Under the Skin in AC Valhalla is a quest that features a choice you will have to make with Trygve – Can’t Lose Another or Do As You Must. Depending on what you choose in Under the Skin, Trygve will either live or die. Perhaps more importantly, the consequences of this choice will affect whether or not an NPC joins your settlement. So, to help you out, we’ll explain what to choose in our AC Valhalla Trygve – Under the Skin guide.

What to Choose in AC Valhalla Under the Skin Trygve Choice – Can’t Lose Another or Do As You Must
What you choose in the Under the Skin choice with Trygve in AC Valhalla, Can’t Lose Another or Do As You Must, will impact your settlement later on in the game. Well, not the settlement itself, but who will join you there. Without getting into spoilers, our recommendation is that you choose “can’t lose another.” Trust us, it pays off, not necessarily in any major way, but still. You need all the hands you can get in Ravensthorpe. Okay, with that said, we’re getting into spoilers from here on out. Proceed at your own risk. Here’s what happens in each choice.
- Snotinghamscire can’t lose another – You talk Trygve out of throwing himself onto the pyre.
- Do as you must, Trygve – Trygve throws himself into the flames and expires, giving his life to the gods.
Keep playing through the Snotinghamscire main quest, you’ll eventually arrive at the mission called “Farewells and Legacies.” This is where the consequences from the previous choice come into play. If you’ve saved Trygve’s life, you actually get to choose the Earldorman. The choice is between him and Villi. On the other hand, if you let Trygve burn, Villi automatically becomes the jarl, and that’s that. Once again, here are the choices and their consequences.
- I see a jarl in you – Villi becomes jarl, and that’s the end of it. Nobody joins your settlement.
- I see Trygve as jarl, and you with me – Trygve becomes jarl, and Villi joins your settlement in Ravensthorpe.
And there you have it. That’s why we said you should convince Trygve not to hop into the bonfire. Sure, sacrifices to the gods are nice and all, but your settlement comes first.
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