AC Valhalla Milk of Humankind Cow Bugged - Asgard Mysteries
Milk of Humankind cow bug in AC Valhalla Asgard Mystery is a problem that some of you might encounter while doing the various tasks in the open world. The problem that seems to arise is that the cow, Audumbla, simply refuses to budge. There are several potential solutions to this problem, And we’ll present them in our AC Valhalla Milk of Humankind Cow Bugged – Asgard Mysteries guide. The good news is, it might not even be a bug per se.

How to Fix Cow Bug in AC Valhalla Milk of Humankind Asgard Mystery?
To fix the bug with Audumbla the cow in the Milk of Humankind Asgard Mystery in AC Valhalla, you have to first unlock the option to do Mysteries in that area to begin with. It might not be a bug; you just need to progress through the game. You need to complete several of the main mission in Asgard in order to do Mysteries. So, do a couple of quests and go back to Audumbla every so often to check if it will move.
While we’re on the subject, to complete the Milk of Humankind Asgard Mystery, you have to clear the way for Audumbla to exit. On the way, you’ll have to break up several wooden barriers. When you do, make sure that you destroy them completely, every single inch of them. If you don’t, the cow will refuse to budge. So, that might be another cause for the “bug.” Also, follow Audumbla all the way until the game tells you that the Mystery is over. In case it does bug out at any point, if you don’t have a nearby autosave, just synch up somewhere nearby to reset it.
Incidentally, Audumbla the primeval cow is a hugely important part of Norse mythology. Ymir, the first frost jotunn, fed off her milk. Also, she licked salty rime rocks for three days and thereby revealed the grandfather of the gods, Buri, as well as the three brothers Odin, Vili, and Ve. Norse mythology is weird that way. There, now you’ve learned something, too!
If you need help with anything else in the game, we've got a metric ton of other guides for you to check out. For example, we've written AC Valhalla Hidden Ones Armor Set Locations - Ratae Bureau Armor & Londinium Bureau Key for quest A Brief History of The Hidden Ones, that will reward you with the Hidden Ones armor. We can also help with whether you want to let Rued Live or Die - Kill or Spare Rued Choice Consequences, or who to give silver to in AC Valhalla War Weary quest , and a well hidden AC Valhalla Comb location for Bil Maiden's Missive Rygjafylke World Event. Puzzle that caused us big problems was Unseal The Well during the quest Well Traveled. And, yes, we do have many more coming, stay tuned.
Like most of you fellow gamers, the rock is blocked by the logs on the ground and the cow would not move even though there is a huge amount of space for her to walk through. Smh. How frustrating and disappointing from such a phenomenal game.
I’ve submitted a case to the dev’s at Ubi, same here, I’ve literally finished every single quest, mystery, artifact 99.99% except this one demon cow…It’s driving me mad that 150+ hours put in and the cow keeps me from cleaning the entire game out..
Stupid cow
Same thing here…only thing left for me to do in Asgard..even restarted, journeyed back to ravensthorpe, cow is stuck because rock is stuck ?
In mine, the cow raced into the lake and got stuck beneath the water. Since it can’t swim, its just sitting there on the bottom of the lake, moo-ing :/
Perhaps change the “fix as you have zero freaking fixes for the bug…
Yes, same here, the rock is stuck, and the cow won’t move even though the entrance that the rock should block is open
Nope… bugged every which way I look.. cow won’t move no matter what I do.
Rock the you push got stuck in wall for me unable to complete quest cow wolnt move and synchronize doesn’t reset unfortunately
Same thing has happend to me the rock has got stuck in the wall no way of moveing it I have turned xbox on and off several time come in and out of asgard no fix rock still stuck have u resolved this issue?
I have exactly the same issue!
Change the Frame rate find the sweet spot where it lifts up on the food a little bit. Spam left at a steady pace. Not rapid fire. You aren’t making any progress if the dust stops falling off the stone.
Lower frame rate. Get rock next to wood. Once you see it jump up on the wood. Spam left at a medium pace. Takes a little time but it will go. Sometimes you have to pull it back towards the cow and continue spamming.