Inquisition Would Work or I Don't Agree Cost of Betrayal Choices AC Valhalla
During the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Cost of Betrayal quest, you’ll come across a choice. You can opt to agree with the kings on starting an inquisition, oppose the proposal, or just remain quiet. As is the case with all these situations, players want to know what to choose at this juncture. What are the consequences if you select to agree or disagree? Well, that’s what we’ll be discussing in our Inquisition Would Work or I Don’t Agree Cost of Betrayal Choices AC Valhalla guide.

An Inquisition Would Work AC Valhalla Cost of Betrayal Choice
If you choose to say “An inquisition would work” at this stage of the AC Valhalla Cost of Betrayal, Eivor will say that it’ll take a lot of resources, but could work. Everyone agrees with the statement, after which Flann says that all druids will have to make a choice themselves: exile or reform. The only person that’s not overly enthused is Ciara, of course, and she will angrily storm off. However, it seems that the christianization of Ireland is a foregone conclusion. Basically, the kings are seeing the writing on the wall, which doesn’t bode well for the druids.
I Don’t Agree With Any Of This Cost of Betrayal Quest
If you choose to say “I don’t agree with any of this” in Cost of Betrayal in AC Valhalla, Eivor will say that what’s proposed is a bold strategy, and there’s no way to know how it will reverberate in the future. Perhaps more time is needed. The kings then say that there’s no time to wait and that there’s “only one move to make.” Flann concurs, saying that the future of Ireland is a “wholly Christian one.” They will launch an inquisition, the druids need to reform or gtfo; the result is exactly the same as the previous choice, barring a couple of lines of dialogue.
Say Nothing
If you opt to say nothing in this AC Valhalla Cost of Betrayal choice, Eivor will, well, say nothing. The kings will resume with the inquisition plans as they do in the other two choices. In other words, this choice is just an illusion. As far as we can tell, it changes absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. At best, it’s just a bit of character roleplay for you, and fairly shallow at that.
If you need help with more stuff in the Wrath of the Druids DLC, check out some of our other guides. Among others, we’ve written Offering 50 Delicacies – Skald’s Rest Altar and Only Snake in Ireland Location – Legend of St. Patrick Trophy. Hope you find them useful!
If you need help with anything else in the game, we've got a metric ton of other guides for you to check out. For example, we've written AC Valhalla Hidden Ones Armor Set Locations - Ratae Bureau Armor & Londinium Bureau Key for quest A Brief History of The Hidden Ones, that will reward you with the Hidden Ones armor. We can also help with whether you want to let Rued Live or Die - Kill or Spare Rued Choice Consequences, or who to give silver to in AC Valhalla War Weary quest , and a well hidden AC Valhalla Comb location for Bil Maiden's Missive Rygjafylke World Event. Puzzle that caused us big problems was Unseal The Well during the quest Well Traveled. And, yes, we do have many more coming, stay tuned.