Gunlodr Riddles AC Valhalla - Feast to Remember - Jotunheim
AC Valhalla Gunlodr riddles in Jotunheim is basically a mini-game that you can play during the feast in quest A Feast to Remember. Gunlodr asks, and you have to guess the correct answers. This is absolutely easier said than done, because two out of the three riddles are incredibly obtuse, in my opinion. Fortunately for you, we’ve figured them out for you, and we’ll show you the correct answers in this guide. And yes, we may have had to reload a save once or twice to get it right.

AC Valhalla Jotunheim Gunlodr Riddle Solutions
The solutions to Gunlodr’s riddles in AC Valhalla Jotunheim are fairly difficult to guess. They’re not exactly like what you’d expect from a classic riddle. I mean, sure, the first one is fairly easy, but the second and third one are virtually impossible to get. So, let’s get right into the correct answers, shall we?
- Mankind it mars, speech it hinders, yet speech it will inspire – Ale.
- Who is that shrill one who rides a hard road and has fared that way before? He kisses hard who has two mouths and goes only on gold – Hammer.
- White-haired women, servants two, bore ale-tub to the larder. No hand turned it, nor hammer beat it. But there, outside the islands, the upright one who made it – Swans and eggs.
So, there you go, those are the solutions to the Gunlodr riddles in Jotunheim in AC Valhalla. One thing that we do have to mention here is that this little “event” can be missed. You should speak with Gunlodr as soon as you arrive to the feast, or, at least, as soon as you can. She’ll be standing near the edge of the cliff, outside the hall, near the zip line. She’ll have a speech bubble above her. If you progress through the A Feast to Remember quest far enough, you won’t be able to do the riddle thing. Then again, you get nothing for it anyway, so it’s no biggie if you do miss it.

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