Virgo is a four star difficulty Nostradamus Enigma mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity. It takes place in Porte-Saint-Denis district of the game around the infamous slums found in the area.
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I came across it as I was doing main story missions for Sequence 4. All riddles are solved by visiting landmark spots in that area so make sure you uncover the viewpoint for that district to easily find the solution locations. Bellow you will find screenshots taking you through each riddle and showing you how to solve them.
Virgo Enigma Starting Location
You’ll find the beginning of this Enigma on the rooftop of a church ion that area.
Virgo Enigma starting point map location
1st Riddle Solution
In the Sanctuary of Sins,
Light and shadow dance,
And the Ignoble Nobleman
Defines his actions with his name
Sanctuary of Sins immediately reminded me of a brothel. Since finding location of a brothel in revolutionary Paris is not that easy I decided to check out the landmarks nearby (since solutions to first riddles are usually close to where the enigma starts). Turns out the landmark to the southeast is Marquis de Sade’s brothel (it is operated by him after Sequence 4 Memory 2 of the main storyline) and that is where I found the solution to the first riddle.
First riddle asks you to find Sanctuary of Sins
I went to a nearby landmark (to the southeast) and next to the landmark icon I saw a building I can enter. Found a brothel inside as well as the solution to the first riddle.
Map above shows exact location of the building I am in. You can see the landmark icon right next to it.
Zoomed out map to have a better overview of the location
2nd Riddle Solution
Lying in the filth,
The fallen Godly symbol
Lights the heresies
Of the False King’s Court.
Luckily I did several Sequence 4 main story missions before seeing this riddle. This helped because “The fallen Godly symbol” instantly reminded me of a fallen cross I saw in Cour des Miracles slums (there is a landmark with the same name there). Sure enough I found the rune and solution to the second Virgo riddle.
Get to the fallen cross in the middle of Cour des Miracles (next to the landmark icon)
Turn on your Eagle Vision to reveal the solution to the second Virgo riddle
Location map of the second riddle’s solution
3rd Riddle Solution
The familiar cross-road,
Where decadence is sold.
The sadness of the seller,
Obscured by rouge.
I had no idea where to look for this riddle’s solution. Google search for “prostitutes’ corner Paris” revealed that a nearby street Rue Saint-Denis is famous for it but none of the crossroads there had the solution. Since previous two riddles got solved close to landmark icons I decided to check out the remaining landmarks in the vicinity and lo and behold, one of the landmarks is placed in the middle of a crossroad where five streets meet. That is where I found the solution for the third and final riddle of the Virgo Enigma.
When I got close to the landmark location I was sure I was in the right place due to large concentration of women with questionable morale.
Turning on my Eagle Vision revealed the solution to the final riddle
You can see on the map above that five streets meet at this crossroad – in line with the riddle text.
Here’s a quick video recap of Virgo riddle solutions:
I’m really good at riddles but some of these I had to search because I am on the right idea or area just off a bit and you help me out so much. I’ve too have read like everything and visit all areas and I still have issue finding the symbol… And it’s like always in the obvious location like ugh!. But I would like to thank you for all your help and the writing you’ve input I’m in 100 agreement with finding these.
The first one mentions a Nobleman who defines his actions with his name. So it must be Marquis de Sade and his sadism. I found the second and third one through complete accident, before I even accepted the mission. This gave me an edge when I did accept it, as the fallen godly symbol lying in filth must be the cross/crucifix sank into the ground. As for the third, the “sadness of the seller, obscured by rouge”, i think, actually refers to the murder mystery “KIller in the brothel” (obtained after finishing Marquis de Sade’s missions). The prostitute was killed, and rouge refers to the color of blood. So I searched nearby the location of the murder mystery, and there it was, at the crossroads.
That first clue is excellent – the “defines his actions with his name” line actually works both for “de Sade” (origin of “sadist”) and for his title of “Roi des thunes” (king of money, in slang). Only thing is, if like me you try and do this quest before the roi des thunes mission, it makes no sense.
The last one is disappointing. If that cross-road was famous for prostitution it’s an ultra-obscure fact now – most of the streets that lead to it don’t even exist anymore. I was looking along rue st denis, the logical choice.
I’m really good at riddles but some of these I had to search because I am on the right idea or area just off a bit and you help me out so much. I’ve too have read like everything and visit all areas and I still have issue finding the symbol… And it’s like always in the obvious location like ugh!. But I would like to thank you for all your help and the writing you’ve input I’m in 100 agreement with finding these.
Thank you for doing this
I want to thank you for posting the answers to all of Nostrodomus extras. Nicely put together, Easy to read and follow. Great job!
The first one mentions a Nobleman who defines his actions with his name. So it must be Marquis de Sade and his sadism. I found the second and third one through complete accident, before I even accepted the mission. This gave me an edge when I did accept it, as the fallen godly symbol lying in filth must be the cross/crucifix sank into the ground. As for the third, the “sadness of the seller, obscured by rouge”, i think, actually refers to the murder mystery “KIller in the brothel” (obtained after finishing Marquis de Sade’s missions). The prostitute was killed, and rouge refers to the color of blood. So I searched nearby the location of the murder mystery, and there it was, at the crossroads.
That first clue is excellent – the “defines his actions with his name” line actually works both for “de Sade” (origin of “sadist”) and for his title of “Roi des thunes” (king of money, in slang). Only thing is, if like me you try and do this quest before the roi des thunes mission, it makes no sense.
The last one is disappointing. If that cross-road was famous for prostitution it’s an ultra-obscure fact now – most of the streets that lead to it don’t even exist anymore. I was looking along rue st denis, the logical choice.