North of the Bastille is where you’ll find the beginning of Terra Nostradamus Enigma side mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity. Enigmas are important mission for those wanting to get Thomas De Carneillon armor in the basement of Café Théâtre.
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You need to solve all Enigmas in order to unlock this special outfit. Terra Enigma is a two star difficulty mission and has three riddles that are easy to solve since all solutions are close to where the mission starts.
Terra Enigma Starting Location
Get to the top of this theater to start Terra Enigma.
Terra Nostradamus Enigma starting location map
1st Terra Riddle Solution
Hedged in her garden,
A wingéd-warrior stands,
Unmoving and unmoved,
At the cross’s very heart.
First riddle was easy to do. Since for most of these riddles the first one is close to where you start I just looked around and noticed a garden bellow the theater building with an angel statue in the middle. Eagle vision revealed the solution to the first riddle.
Look east from where you start Terra Enigma and you’ll notice a garden with a winged warrior statue.
Go down and use your Eagle Vision to solve the first riddle of Terra.
First riddle solution map location
2nd Terra Riddle Solution
Forever more,
The warrior fights her ceaseless battle.
She takes aim, her steady spear
Poised against the demons.
I was confused by this one for a moment. I wasn’t sure if the warrior the second verse refferes to is the same from the first riddle. Since the statue is holding a spear I decided to check out the location the spear is pointing to since it was clearly pointing at a nearby church. Once there I heard a chime of the second riddle’s solution and found it mid way up the church.
Spear clearly points towards a nearby church
Upon climbing the church I located the rune by following the sound it plays when you are close by
Solution to the second riddle of Terra Enigma is at the exact spot shown on the map above.
3rd Riddle Solution
To be punished or to be amused,
The green heritage of Daedalus
Sees the lofty Bishop looming
Over the resting Rook.
This was very easy because from the balcony you are on you can clearly see a hedge labyrinth with a big “Rook” in the middle. Solution to the third riddle is found on top of the Rook-like tower.
You can clearly see the “Rook” from where you pick up the third riddle. Never figured out the bishop tho…
Eagle vision reveals the solution to the final riddle.
It is true that the church tower is the indirect reference to the bishop part. What it means is that this is where an actual bishop(a person) is towering over the rook. So not bishop as in a chess piece.
As he says, the tower in the center is shaped like a ROOK chess peice, not a bishop. The bishop is represented by the church, hence why the bishop chess peice commonly wears a cross on its head. As someone else commented, the church, or bishop, towers over the rook in the center of the maze.
You’re thinking of the king piece in chess with the cross on its head, the bishop looks like a smiley face. It depends on the chess set though, but usually the king has the cross on its head
Funny, for the last one I realise now I solved it by pure chance. I never saw that statue – instead I tried the church directly since the “demon” part seemed to have something to do with religion and the “steady spear” could be the church spire.
The last one is figured out quiet differently. I looked at the map before i started looking for the clues. There i noticed the maze. The fact they mentioned Daedalus made me run to the maze. Why you ask. Daedalus is in Greek mythology the builder of the Labyrinth the magical changing maze under whole the whole of Greece.
It was actually just under the city in which Minos ruled, called Knossos on the island of Crete, not under the entirety of Greece. But, if you look as if the Labyrinth were still alive and growing, it would completely cover just under the “skin” of America. I say America because the gods move with Western Civilization, which is now America. I’m a Greek nerd.
Could be wrong but I’m sure in the final riddle the ‘sees the lofty bishop looming’ line refers to the rock in the maze being shaped like a bishop chess piece
This one is bugged for me. I can’t interact with any of the symbols!
The bishop part clearly shows that the tower looks like a bishop in chess
It is true that the church tower is the indirect reference to the bishop part. What it means is that this is where an actual bishop(a person) is towering over the rook. So not bishop as in a chess piece.
As he says, the tower in the center is shaped like a ROOK chess peice, not a bishop. The bishop is represented by the church, hence why the bishop chess peice commonly wears a cross on its head. As someone else commented, the church, or bishop, towers over the rook in the center of the maze.
You’re thinking of the king piece in chess with the cross on its head, the bishop looks like a smiley face. It depends on the chess set though, but usually the king has the cross on its head
The bishop is the church tower right next to the clue.
Funny, for the last one I realise now I solved it by pure chance. I never saw that statue – instead I tried the church directly since the “demon” part seemed to have something to do with religion and the “steady spear” could be the church spire.
The demon probably refers to the gargoyle sitting on the corner of the church by the symbol. The spear points at the gargoyle.
The last one is figured out quiet differently. I looked at the map before i started looking for the clues. There i noticed the maze. The fact they mentioned Daedalus made me run to the maze. Why you ask. Daedalus is in Greek mythology the builder of the Labyrinth the magical changing maze under whole the whole of Greece.
Same here. The daedalus part was a dead give-away. The “rook” tower just a bonus.
It was actually just under the city in which Minos ruled, called Knossos on the island of Crete, not under the entirety of Greece. But, if you look as if the Labyrinth were still alive and growing, it would completely cover just under the “skin” of America. I say America because the gods move with Western Civilization, which is now America. I’m a Greek nerd.
Could be wrong but I’m sure in the final riddle the ‘sees the lofty bishop looming’ line refers to the rock in the maze being shaped like a bishop chess piece
No a biship has a lil resavoir tip at the top with a slit in it… It actualy refers to a ROOK, not “rock” which is the name of the piece.._or castle
You are the Bishop you are standing on the top of a church looming over them.
“Never figured out the bishop tho…” the rock looks exactly like a Bishop chess piece? Some how I think you might be trolling lol
The church represents the bishop chess piece. And it does tower over the rook in the middle of the hedge maze.