The Hand of Science is a 4 star Murder Mystery in Assassin’s Creed Unity. This Mystery starts in Sorbonne district.
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In order to start the mystery interact with a dead body near the school. Upon collecting all clues and accusing the murderer you’ll acquire a range weapon – Woodplate Blunderbuss and 500 livres.
The Hand of Science starting area.
The Hand of Science Map Location.
Woodplate Blunderbuss Statistics.
Woodplate Blunderbuss Preview.
Courtyard – Clues (6/6)
Some clues are scattered around the dead body, while the final three are just a few steps away, close to the school.
COURTYARD – Bloody Bible
COURTYARD – Exam of Lionel Viala
COURTYARD – Exam of Pierre Simeoni
COURTYARD – Trial of blood
COURTYARD – Statement of Lionel Viala
COURTYARD – Statement of Pierre Simeoni
The first three Clues in the Courtyard.
The last three Clues in the Courtyard.
Church – Clues (2/2)
Location of the Church is revealed once you collect the clue Courtyard – Blood Bible. The church is pretty close to the Courtyard, and you can take statements from the priest and church deacon.
Church – Statement of the priest
Church – Statement of the church deacon
Church Map Location.
Church Clues.
School – Clues (5/5)
Your next destination is the school, which location is in close vicinity of the church. Enter the School and collect 5 clues.
SCHOOL – Smashed bottles
SCHOOL – Lesson plan
SCHOOL – Chemical vials
SCHOOL – Statement of the school caretaker
SCHOOL – Statement of Professor Frison
Enter the School.
Clues inside the school.
Bedroom – Clues (2/2)
After collecting the clue School – Statement of the school caretaker new location will appear on the map. It’s location of the bedroom which can be fond on the second floor of the school. Inside this area you can collect a key, that will be used for inspecting the last area.
BEDROOM – L’avantcourer Journal
Enter the bedroom.
Collect the bedroom clues.
Office – Clues (3/3)
The above-mentioned key unlocks the door in the school yard, next to a printing press.
OFFICE – Scrap of paper
OFFICE – List of chemicals
OFFICE – Manifesto
Office entrance.
Office clues.
Accuse the murderer
The murderer is inside the school. It’s Professor Frison. Accuse him and talk to Lapparent to acquire your reward.