Before you can start Sequence 13 memory 4 – “Raising the Dead” you have to complete two Suger’s Legacies Crux and Diabolus. Starting location for the fifth Legacy Crux is in the southern Franciade, Windmill district, just north from the fast travel location.
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You have to solve three riddles, but their locations are in close vicinity.
Starting Location.
Starting location on the map.
1st riddle solution
I’ve seen more revolutions
Towering over field and marshes
Than crosses of God,
Inanimate as it breezes.
This riddle reminds me of some monument standing witness to many events passing by. My first thought was that it could be the nearby Windmill and luckily enough, I was right. The solution of this riddle is on the stone wall of the Windmill.
The first riddle solution
Map location of the first riddle solution.
2nd riddle solution
Reflection of grandeur
Stable when it moves
With a shape so pure
His Son went to slumber.
You’ll find the solution for this riddle when you head towards the marked area on the map. It’s on the stonewall near the stone cross.
The second riddle solution.
Map Location of the second riddle solution.
3rd and final riddle solution
Be it Saint Andrew’s
Or the Almighty’s Son,
I’m the one to choose
The shining form of suns.
Once again the marked area on the map was my guide. The clue can be found on a tall stone wall, an the edge of a town, behind a tiny stand with metal sign.
This was so useful. Thabks