Capricorn Nostradamus Enigma is a side mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity which rewards you with fragments that unlock a special assassin outfit in the basement of your home. Capricorn Enigma starts just a bit north of Notre-Dame island in Hotel de Ville district of Ventre de Paris zone.It is a five star difficulty mission, but that don’t mean much sine you won’t be fighting anyone while you solve it.
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It does have a very hard final riddle so these difficulty ratings might refer to how difficult it is to find solutions to the puzzles. All solutions are in the vioncinity of where you start the enigma so keep an eye out.
Capricorn Enigma Starting Location
You can begin Capricorn Enigma by climbing up on top of this building and interacting with the rune there.
Map of Capricorn Enigma’s start location.
1st Capricorn Riddle Solution
Erudite Rulers of thy façade
Stone-faced before the blood of executions
One day you will quiver and quake
As your insides blaze in fury.
I ventured to a nearby viewpoint before picking up this Enigma mission and along the way I saw that they held executions at a square bellow the viewpoint. I figured that “before the blood of executions” referred to this square and some statues overlooking it. Using Eagle vision I discovered that the building holding the viewpoint also holds the solution to the first Capricorn Enigma riddle.
Going east from where you start the enigma you will come across a square where executions are being held.
Exploring the building with the viewpoint using your Eagle Vision will help you discover the solution to the first Capricorn riddle.
Zoomed in map shows the exact location of the first riddle’s solution (Note: map is rotated)
2nd Capricorn Riddle Solution
“A ça ira, ça ira, ça ira,” will resound,
A dire Twist of fate,
To dispel darkness no more
Now to break the necks of many.
Song “A ca ira” has the following line “les aristocrates à la lanterne” (aristocrats to the lamp-post). On my way through the square, where the executions are held, I saw a guy hanging from a lamp post. So, I went back and found the solution to the second Capricorn riddle on the ground bellow the hanged man.
You overlook the execution square from where you solved the first riddle.
Going down and turning on your Eagle Vision will reveal the solution of the second riddle, beneath the hanged man.
Capricorn second riddle solution map location
3rd Capricorn Riddle Solution
Orphan tower, what has become of the rest?
The start of a pilgrim’s journey.
Shreds of memories hang from the chimeras beaks:
This one, pressure of the atmosphere. The other, alchemy.
I had no idea how to solve this one. Google searches returned nothing relevant so I decided to scout all the nearby landmarks. There is a landmark to the northwest of the execution square that has no name and there is a very tall tower there. Upon climbing on top of it and turning my eagle vision I found the solution to the third and final riddle of Capricorn Enigma getting 500 French Livre and one Nostradamus fragment.
In desperation I started scouting nearby landmarks …
… and northwest of the previous riddle I found a very tall tower.
On top of the tower is the solution to the third riddle
Hello, thanks for the help. But my game won’t allow me to even start the Capricorn enigma. I have all the others done and the main campaign completed. The enigma icon doesn’t even show up on the map. Any ideas?
similar situation I have all the riddles didnt find the last solution idk wht happened but 4 some reason it reset back 2 the 1st riddle but won’t let me interact with any of the solutions except 4 the starting location glyph which sux
As the first comment, my lamp post didn’t have a guy hanging from it. You can see the rope where he is supposed to be. I’m upto sequence 10 in the story. Not sure if he appears before or after then.
Thank you very much for the walk through. Wouldn’t have got through a couple of the enigmas without it.
For the first one, it’s the city hall, whose inside burnt down during the Commune. Not sure what they meant by “erudite rulers” though – the statues on the facade are those of Paris mayors, not of intellectuals.
On the third one the landmark is Tour de St. Jacques. Formerly part of the Church of Saint-Jacques-la-Boucherie it is the only part left standing after they tore he Church down. The alchemist Nicholas Flamel was originally buried below the floor of the church and mathmetician/inventor Blaise Pascal conducted atmospheric pressure experiments in the tower in 1648.
Yeah, the last one is rather easy if you know Paris. St Jacques is a well-known landmark and even without knowing the rest the association of St Jacques with pilgrims is not obscure.
If you don’t know it… very tough. Like many of those enigmas.
Just a note, I don’t know if it is just a glitch in my game or if it depends on where in the story you are, but the lamp post in the second riddle didn’t have a guy hanging from it. Just a guard standing under it, and around the platform.
Awesome guide
Thx ??
THNX man. This one got me killed a few times since i did it when i was a level. Now that i am a level 5, its done.
Are you joking with that last map?
Hello, thanks for the help. But my game won’t allow me to even start the Capricorn enigma. I have all the others done and the main campaign completed. The enigma icon doesn’t even show up on the map. Any ideas?
Is it possible you accidentally started it when you were passing by at another time? You should check your Case Files for it.
similar situation I have all the riddles didnt find the last solution idk wht happened but 4 some reason it reset back 2 the 1st riddle but won’t let me interact with any of the solutions except 4 the starting location glyph which sux
The reason the guy is hanging there in their walkthrough is because of a paris stories mission with a widow in the crowd whose husband was hanged.
As the first comment, my lamp post didn’t have a guy hanging from it. You can see the rope where he is supposed to be. I’m upto sequence 10 in the story. Not sure if he appears before or after then.
Thank you very much for the walk through. Wouldn’t have got through a couple of the enigmas without it.
Wonderful!! Thank you for such a detailed walkthrough 🙂
For the first one, it’s the city hall, whose inside burnt down during the Commune. Not sure what they meant by “erudite rulers” though – the statues on the facade are those of Paris mayors, not of intellectuals.
On the third one the landmark is Tour de St. Jacques. Formerly part of the Church of Saint-Jacques-la-Boucherie it is the only part left standing after they tore he Church down. The alchemist Nicholas Flamel was originally buried below the floor of the church and mathmetician/inventor Blaise Pascal conducted atmospheric pressure experiments in the tower in 1648.
Yeah, the last one is rather easy if you know Paris. St Jacques is a well-known landmark and even without knowing the rest the association of St Jacques with pilgrims is not obscure.
If you don’t know it… very tough. Like many of those enigmas.
Just a note, I don’t know if it is just a glitch in my game or if it depends on where in the story you are, but the lamp post in the second riddle didn’t have a guy hanging from it. Just a guard standing under it, and around the platform.
Ye that’s same with me, there might of been an update