AC Unity Cafe Theatre and Social Clubs guide

Owning and upgrading Cafe-Theatre and Social Clubs in Assassin Creed Unity is the ultimate way to earn money (Livres). Once you complete the first introduction Cafe Mission “Explore the Cafe Theatre” during the main story sequence three, you unlock the Cafe-Theatre, where you can visit Club Hall, Training Room, Memento Gallery, read Elise’s Letters, accept Cafe Theatre renovation missions, check out your outfits, find a fast travel to Versailles and much more.
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AC Unity Cafe Theatre
Le-Cafe Theatre.
The main part of the Cafe Theatre is the Intendant’s Study room, where you can collect income from Cafe Theatre and other Social Clubs. Upgrading Cafe Theatre and completing related quests will increase your income. The more Social Clubs you own, the more Livres you earn. Your income will be directly deposited in your money chest in Intendant’s Room every 20 minutes (while playing the game). This income chest doesn’t have infinite money space. If you fill up the chest 4 times without withdrawing money, Livres stop coming, and you have to collect money from the chest if you want new income.

Cafe-Theatre Location, Quests, Renovate Costs…

Cafe Theatre is located in the eastern Paris, in district Ile Saint-Louis. Cafe Theatre becomes available during the main story sequence three, and after that you can use all of its features. In the table below you can find out more about all missions and upgrades available at Cafe Theatre.

Renovation NameRenovation CostMission GiverMission Reward
Auto-da-fe500 Lires
Bookshelves and books added in the Cafe-Theatre
Ground Floor100 LiresColette400 Lires
New terrace available at the Cafe-Theatre
Hall250 LiresDamsel in Seamstress1 400 Lires
Actors on the stage of the Cafe-Theatre have new costumes
Exteriors1 000 LiresThe Queen’s Necklace2 500 Lires
New curtains available for the Cafe-Theatre
Upper Floors5 000 LiresFoxy Renard25 000 Lires
Posters of plays are now displayed in the Cafe-Theatre
Finishing Touches15 000 Lires
Total21 350 Lires29 800 Lires

Social Clubs Location, Renovation Costs, Social Club Mission Rewards…

There are 7 Social Clubs in total that can be renovated. Once you renovate a Social Club you will get up to three new Social Club Missions. These Missions comes extremely handy since some of them can reward you with lots of money. Once the Social Club is renovated you can use its location as a fast travel point at any time.
AC Unity Social Club Locations
Social Club Map Locations.

Cafe de I’lle de la Cite

Found in the district Palais De Justice, Ile de la Cite. Renovation costs 500 Livres. You’ll obtain two social club missions, which reward you with 900 Livres in total.
Club Mission NameMission DescriptionMission DifficultyClub Mission Reward
Bridge BrigandsAssassinate the four captains exacting tolls at the bridges to the Ile de la Cite.1/5500 Lires
Marat’s MissiveSteal the letter that shields a violent gant from the law.2/5400 Lires

Cafe du Ventre de Paris

Found in Halles district, part of Ventre de Paris. Renovation costs 1,000 Livres. Gives three social club missions that reward you with 2,400 Lires in total.
Club Mission NameMission DescriptionMission DifficultyClub Mission Reward
Hoarding HostagesFree the farmers taken hostage by the food hoarders.3/5700 Lires
Cat Food on a Hot Tin RoofDisrupt food-hoarding smugglers on the rooftops of Paris.2/5800 Lires
Let Them Eat HayBreak into the food-hoarder’s warehouse and open it to all.2/5800 Lires

Cafe du Louvres

Found in Vendome district part of Le Louvre. Renovation costs 1 500 lires. Gives three social club missions that reward you with 15,700 Livres in total.
Club Mission NameMission DescriptionMission DifficultyClub Mission Reward
Retribution for a Rabble-RouserAssassinate the firebrand who advocates political execution.3/5700 Lires
The Black OfficeInvestigate the existence of the so-called "Black Office".4/52 500 Lires
Betrayer of the QueenAssassinate the man who betrayed Marie Antoinette’s trust by explosing her escape attempt.5/512 500 Lires

Cafe du Quartier Latin

Cafe du Quartier Latin is located in Faubourg Saint-Germain district. Renovation will cost you 1,500 Livres. You can complete three missions in this social club, and your reward will be 3,900 Livres in total.
Club Mission NameMission DescriptionMission DifficultyClub Mission Reward
Roux’s RemainsAssassinate Jacques Roux’s lieutenant as he incites as crowd to riot.3/5700 Lires
Cafe ProcopeAssassinate important allies of Maximillien Robespierre as they gather in Cafe Procope.3/5700 Lires
An Engaging EgyptologistSteal the transfer rubbings of the Rosetta Stone with the help of Jean-Francois Champollion.4/52 500 Lires

Cafe du Marais

This Social Club is located in Temple district, part of Le Marais. Its renovation costs 5,000 Livres. After completing three social club missions you’ll obtain 3,900 Livres.
Club Mission NameMission DescriptionMission DifficultyClub Mission Reward
Artful DodgerAssassinate the leader of an art smuggling ring.1/5700 Lires
A Dramatic ExitAssassinate an unscrupulous noble in a theatrical way.3/5700 Lires
Breaking the HabitAssassinate the thug captain who is terrorizing nuns at the Filles du Calvaire nunnery.4/52 500 Lires

Cafe des Invalides

Cafe des Invalides is in Saint-Lambert district, part of Les Invalides. Although the renovation cost is pretty high 10,000 Livres, reward of 62,500 Livres for completing three social club missions is the highest one compared to other social club missions.
Club Mission NameMission DescriptionMission DifficultyClub Mission Reward
Spiked BourbonAssassinate the Templars within the ruling Council of Five Hundred in the Palais Bourbon.5/512 500 Lires
Special DeilveryAssassinate the mastermind behind a series of brutal mail-coach robberies.5/512 500 Lires
Smoky Yet RobustStop violent Royalist Chouans from burning neighboring vineyards.5/537 500 Lires

Cafe de la Bievre

Cafe de la Bievre is in Saint-Jacques district, part of La Bievre. Renovation will cost you 10,000 Livres. After completing three social club missions, your reward will be 10,000 Livres in total.
Club Mission NameMission DescriptionMission DifficultyClub Mission Reward
Extortion ContortionTrack down and assassinate the chief extortionist.4/52 500 Lires
Chouan RiddlesA Suspected Chouans spy is operating out of a house nearby. Find out what he knows.4/52 500 Lires
Bara’s FuneralDefend the funeral procession of Joseph Bara.5/55 000 Lires


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  1. A

    So my buying the social clubs and doing the café théâtre missions is the only way I can boost my money?

    1. A
      Andrew O'Brian

      Yes, Buying and renovating will increase your income.

  2. A

    I purchased all of the social clubs prior to renovating ( or even gaining access ) to the “home”. My income shows as being 47 per 20 minutes of the game running. Is this normal?

    There are so many bugs with the game ( stuck in climb mode in mid-air requiring restart, enemy stuck in god-mode, getting stuck inside things, etc; all of which make this “game” feel like a chore to play ) that I could see an issue with buying the clubs first causing an issue.

  3. S

    The guide was good. I too was looking to see what upgrade produced more income. The worse part was the endless flood of advertisements that I kept receiving well after I exited through them, they just kept coming.

  4. H

    Very helpful! Thanks for taking the time to do this!

  5. K

    This was a useful guide, but it lacked what I was really looking for: the details of of how much each action (mission, renovation) raises your income. Would be great to see that added!

    1. T

      Well, the details would be really hard to find, but the major income boosted will be from renovating the social clubs and doing cafe theatre missions, It is based on 4 things
      1) The renovations (Minor changes)
      2)Cafe Theatre Missions (High level missions gives alot)
      3) Mementos (Haven’t seen changes) (achieve at least 95% total synchronization is what I recommend)
      4) Social Clubs owned (Pretty much the main booster of income)

      1. J

        So if you renovate social club it will automatically give you a increase on money? or you need to do the missions..

        1. No, playing Social Clubs mission doesn’t increase your income, but sometime can greatly give you Livres (money)