Assassin’s Creed Unity

AC Unity Dead Kings Free DLC available on January 13
Ubisoft is rewarding the patience of Assassin’s Creed Unity players for Unity’s troubled launch with new Dead Kings DLC that will be free for all players who own AC Unity.
LATEST Assassin’s Creed Unity GUIDES & NEWS

All Suger’s Legacy missions and riddles solved
With Dead Kings DLC we got a lot of new content for Assassin’s Creed: Unity. Beside several main story mission and collectibles we also got…

Diabolus Legacy riddle guide
Suger’s Legacy III – Diabolus, together with Suger’s Legacy V – Crux, is part of the two missions that you need to complete in order…

Crux Suger’s Legacy V Guide
Before you can start Sequence 13 memory 4 – “Raising the Dead” you have to complete two Suger’s Legacies Crux and Diabolus. Starting location for…

Dies Suger’s Legacy Riddles guide
Dies is the seventh and final Suger’s Legacy. These are a set of missions in the free Dead Kings DLC for Assassin’s Creed: Unity that,…
Assassin’s Creed Unity ARCHIVE
Noctis Suger’s Legacy
Noctis is marked as the sixth Suger’s Legacy. It is another enigma style mission that gets unlocked once you complete Sequence 13, Memory 3 main…
Natura Suger’s Legacy
Suger’s Legacies are what enigmas were before Dead Kings DLC was released. Natura is labeled as the fourth Legacy puzzle and its start can be…
Morbum Suger’s Legacy
Morbum is the second Suger’s Legacy enigma in Dead Kings DLC. It gets revealed once you finish the third main story mission (and complete guided…
Equal Justice – Dead Kings DLC Murder Mystery
Equal Justice – is a brand new Murder Mystery available with the Dead Kings free DLC. It starts in the northern part of Francaide, Cemetery…
Blind Justice – Dead Kings DLC Murder Mystery
Blind Justice is a Murder Mystery that made its appearance with the free Dead Kings DLC for AC Unity. It takes place in northern Francaide,…
Raising the Dead Memory 13 Sequence 4 walkthrough
Raising the Dead is a main story mission that you can play as part of the Dead Kings DLC, which is a free content addon…
Nativitatis Et Mortis Suger’s Legacy Enigma
Nativitatis Et Mortis is the first enigma puzzle that came with the free Dead Kings DLC for AC Unity. It is part of the Suger’s…
How to start playing Dead Kings DLC
Dead Kings is the first DLC for Assassin’s Creed Unity and it is free for all who purchased the game. To start its download for…
The Body In The Brothel – Murder Mystery Guide
The Body In The Brothel – Murder Mystery is located in Halles district, Venter de Paris part of the map. Be aware that you can…
AC Unity Patch 4 on Hold
According to the latest post on the Ubisoft’s official website, AC Unity Patch 4 that was supposed to fix frame rate problems and other bugs…
The Red Ghost of the Tuileries – Murder Mystery Guide
The Red Ghost of the Tuileries – Murder Mystery starts in Tuileries district, between Palais des Tuileries and Louvre. Dead body that starts the Mystery…
Sync Point Locations – Political Persecution Co-op
Political Persecution is a four star difficulty Co-op Mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity, in which up to four players can participate. The starting location is…
Sync Point Locations – Jacobin Raid Co-op
Jacobin Raid is a four star difficulty Co-op Mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity, in which two players can participate. The starting location is in Luxembourg…
Sync Point Locations – Women’s March Co-op
Women’s March is a five star difficulty Co-op Mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity, in which up to four players can participate. The starting location is…
Sync Point Locations – The Tournament Co-op
The Tournament is a five star difficulty Co-op Mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity, in which up to four players can participate. The starting location is…
Sync Point Locations – The Austrian Conspiracy Co-op
The Austrian Conspiracy is a three star difficulty Co-op Mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity, in which two players can participate. The starting location is in…
Sync Point Locations – Moving Mirabeau Co-op
Moving Mirabeau is a five star difficulty Co-op Mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity, in which two players can participate. The starting location is in the…
Sync Point Locations – Les Enrages Co-op
Les Enrages is a four star difficulty Co-op Mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity, in which up to four players can participate. The starting location is…
AC Unity Sync Point Locations – Heads Will Roll Co-op
Heads Will Roll is a two star difficulty Co-op Mission in Assassin’s Creed Unity, in which up to 2 players can participate. The starting location…
Cafe Theatre and Social Clubs guide
Owning and upgrading Cafe-Theatre and Social Clubs in Assassin Creed Unity is the ultimate way to earn money (Livres). Once you complete the first introduction Cafe Mission “Explore the Cafe Theatre” during the main story sequence three, you unlock the Cafe-Theatre.