Assassin's Creed Syndicate Debut Trailer Released
The debut trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate has shown up on Youtube. The two minute long video shows the main selling points of the next AC game – the lush, Victorian setting, the struggle of the lower class, and the fluid, parkour-like movement and combat.
It opens with a couple of shots of industrial era London – the steam-powered machines, busy streets, and the wealthy celebrating their affluence.
It quickly cuts to the workers with backs broken from working for the upper classes, starving in the gutters, no will left to fight for their rights. Rival gangs cutting each other up is somehow going to change all that, if the trailer is to be believed.
This is where the action starts: Jacob jumps onto a train, runs across the wagon roofs, fights bad guys (the ones dressed in red), grapples from a busy street onto a rooftop. Some possible side activities are shown as well – bare-knuckle boxing and carriage theft, to be precise.
The action looks splendid, but the question how much of it is actual in-game footage remains. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate is set to release on October 23rd on Playstation 4 and Xbox One, while the PC version still doesn’t have an official launch date.
It opens with a couple of shots of industrial era London – the steam-powered machines, busy streets, and the wealthy celebrating their affluence.
This is where the action starts: Jacob jumps onto a train, runs across the wagon roofs, fights bad guys (the ones dressed in red), grapples from a busy street onto a rooftop. Some possible side activities are shown as well – bare-knuckle boxing and carriage theft, to be precise.
The action looks splendid, but the question how much of it is actual in-game footage remains. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate is set to release on October 23rd on Playstation 4 and Xbox One, while the PC version still doesn’t have an official launch date.
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