Soundtrack for AC Syndicate Revealed
The official soundtrack for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate has appeared on several platforms, including Google Play, iTunes, and Amazon Music.

The soundtrack was composed by veteran composer Austin Wintory and features 36 tracks, most of which will be available for purchase when the game launches. Those looking to pre-order the soundtrack can do so for around 10$, digital edition only.
The full track list is as follows:

The soundtrack was composed by veteran composer Austin Wintory and features 36 tracks, most of which will be available for purchase when the game launches. Those looking to pre-order the soundtrack can do so for around 10$, digital edition only.
The full track list is as follows:
- Bloodlines
- London Is Waiting
- The Dance Begins
- Peace and I Are Strangers Grown
- Soothing Syrup
- Give Me the Cure
- Danza alla Daggers
- The Churning Seas of London
- It’s Business, Mr.Frye
- The Late Pearl Attaway
- Everyone Has a Price
- Destruction’s Our Delight
- Waltzing on Rooftops and Cobblestones
- Cathedrals of Steel
- You’ve Stolen Your Last Shilling
- The Tale of Twopenny
- Top Hats and Sword Canes
- Men Have Become Monsters
- The Assassin Two-Step
- Too Dreadful a Practice for This Open Air
- Take Your Bow, Knave
- Feasting on a Lord
- A Ballet of Blades
- Great Minds Against Themselves Conspire
- A Gauntlet Scherzo
- London Will Soon Be Rid of Your Chaos
- Darling, What a Night
- Jokes Jokes Jokes
- Hooded Allegro Vivace
- For Those We Loved
- Death Is Now a Welcome Guest
- Bloody Presto con Brio
- So Much for a House Call
- I Would Have Created a Paradise
- Underground
- Family
MORE CONTENT IN Assassin's Creed Syndicate