A Simple Matter of Murder is the first of the Dreadful Crimes you’ll get to solve in Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate. It involves the mysterious death of a factory worker and a guest appearance of a famous writer.
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This guide will help you solve A Simple Matter of Murder.
Use Eagle Vision to track down clues (marked in yellow). If you accuse the wrong person, you’ll get less money and XP points for it. You can’t replay these missions, but however you complete them, they’ll count towards your completion the same.
Starting point
Map location
If you finish it by choosing the right suspect right away, you’ll get these:
800 XP
Country Cloak Cape
Speak to Mr. Freems
Mr. Freems is the one who’s going to let you in on the details. He can tell you about the dead man and the workers who were there at the time of murder.
Inspect Wilkin’s body
Go to the warehouse and inspect the body. Look for the letter on the wall behind the barrels left of Dooley. You’ll also find a knife, left from where Buck’s standing, on the ground. After you’ve collected all clues, it’s time to talk to the suspects. Make sure you exhaust every topic with Dooley, Buck and Mr. Freems.
Wilkins’ body
letter clue
Knife clue
Continue your investigation
In order to continue your investigation you should accuse Dooley. He’s not who did it, but it will let you continue your investigation with access to new areas and people. While in the warehouse, look for a footprint close to Wilkin’s head. There will be another one near his feet. A trail of footprints should appear, which will lead you outside.
Once you’re outside, be sure to speak with Taylor. He’ll point you towards the brewery.
cigarettes clue
large footprint clue
medium footprint clue
You should find a cigarette in front of the brewery, as well as a footprint. A man is standing nearby – Morris. Talk to him as well. Go back and talk to Mr. Freems and Taylor again, to open up another area.
Go north into the newly opened area. You’ll find cigarette butts on the ground, and a man standing next to them. This is Coulton. Talking to him will reveal he is the actual killer. Accuse him and enjoy the epilogue.
The person you accuse is BUCK not DOOLEY. You need to fix your walk through to trigger the continuation.
I noticed you don’t have a breakdown of the locations of the letters from the front yet in the ww1 London zone.