How To Unlock Yasuke and Switch Characters in AC Shadows

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is the first AC game that has two protagonist and you get to play as Yasuke for the first few minutes on the game. Afterwards there’s no sign of him for a while. That’s why many of you are wondering what happened and how can I switch to playing Yasuke again. It’s not a very complicated process, but it requires you to progress through the game a little bit. I’ll explain which quests you need to do and what’s the quickest route to unlocking playing with Yasuke again in AC shadows. I’ll also talk about how to switch between characters once Yasuke is permanently available.

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Play as Yasuke or play as Naoe screenshot from AC Shadows

How to Unlock Yasuke in AC Shadows?

Once you unlock your hideout, you’ll get the objective board. Objective board is going to have two new objectives, the Wounded and the Golden Teppo Onryo. You’ll need to complete these quest chains and finish these assassinations. Once you do that, you’ll start the quest related to the Horseman. You’ll talk to someone at your hideout to start the Horseman quest chain. This is going to turn into the quest Belly of the Beast. At the end of this quest, you’re going to get the chance to play Yasuke for the first time after a while. It took me about 10 hours to get there because I really like exploring Assassin’s Creed games and doing side activities. But if you really try hard, you can get there in about 5 hours. Once you’ve completed that whole chain of main Japanese story quests, you will unlock Yasuke and be able to choose whether to play with him or Naoe.

How to switch between Naoe and Yasuke

Once you’ve unlocked Yasuke, the way that you switch between these characters is quite easy. Go to your inventory. Press the button shown on the bottom of the screen and hold. It’s X on Xbox and square on Playstation controller. Holding it will switch between Naoe and Yasuke. Another way to switch between these characters is when you go to your world map and you teleport to one of the viewpoints. You can choose to press a different button and that’s going to teleport you as the other character.

Some of the activities in the world exclusively for Yasuke and some for Naoe. This means that you have to be able to switch between characters. YAsuke is the only one that can do Kata activity. Naoe does Kuji-kiri and you can’t reach some places without her. They provide completely different play styles and I’m sure some of you will more enjoy to play with the samurai and others will enjoy to play with the Shinobi. In either case, I hope this helped you and you can see a video of this below.

Author Serge profile picture
Having games be part of his life since Commodore 64 it was only natural that Serge co-founded With every new game he travels from being the Noob to being Gosu. Whether he does coding or editorial work on the website he is still amazed by the fact that gaming is what he does for living.


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