Assassin's Creed Origins Trial of Anubis Weapon
In a recent pre-launch stream, Ubisoft showed us a glimpse of the Trials of the Gods Anubis gear. This includes a cool-looking outfit, sword, shield, scepter and warrior bow. These will be your rewards for beating the Trials of the Gods events – all 4 bosses.

UPDATE: November 7th, 2017.
How to start Assassin’s Creed Origins Trials of the Anubis
The quest Trials of Anubis with its first step Investigate the Animus Glitch will pop up without any downloads, and the quest will be added to your quest list automatically. You don’t need to be level 40 in order to get the quest or to defeat the boss. It will be much easier on level 40, but many players level 37 confirmed that they could kill the boss.AC Origins Trials of the Anubis reward
Ubisoft revealed a special Assassin’s Creed Origins outfit and weapon set during a pre-launch stream not too long ago. They are some of the best, if not the very best gear you can get in the game. The whole set is based on Anubis, and it’s awesome.
The first boss Anubis is level 40, and once you defeat it you’ll get legendary sword Conductor of Souls Sword.
Anubis outfit & weapons
So, what does the Anubis-inspired set exactly entail? Well, as you can see in the image above, the outfit itself looks pretty dope. It’s completely black, with flames spurting form it, and comes with a terrifying mask of the Egyptian god of the afterlife. The Anubis set apparently also includes four different weapons on top of the awesome-looking outfit itself. You’ll get a sword, a warrior bow, a shield, and a scepter / quarter staff. During the stream, only the shield was shown in more detail. It’s called the Tomb Protector, and it will offer both Melee and Ranged resistance, and “Sleep on Block”.
How exactly will you be able to unlock these awesome weapons and outfit? You’ll have to play the Trials of the Gods live activity once it comes out. In these events, you’ll have to battle the gods of Egypt themselves. Only max-level players need apply, as the Trials of the Gods will be extremely difficult. The first one should go live some fifteen days after launch, on Tuesday, November 7th. You’ll have one week to battle and defeat a boss, and then a new one will come along at some point. You’ll likely have to beat each of them in order to unlock the whole set of weapons and the outfit.