AC Origins Missing Worker Daily Quest Has Buggy Objective Markers
Missing Worker is one of the daily quests in Assassin’s Creed Origins. You can get it from Reda at the Nomad’s Bazaar. Your task will be to track down a person who disappeared. On its own, this isn’t a tough assignment – you look around, send Senu on a scouting trip, follow the markers and it’s over before you know it. However, there’s a glitch in the mission that makes objective markers disappear, making it almost impossible to finish this quest.

When you follow the blue icon and talk to Reda, he’ll tell you all about the missing worker. Now here’s where the trouble starts – a lot of people are missing the marker that should point them towards the worker. Since the kid doesn’t actually tell you anything, the markers are vital. Some people claim the marker disappeared after they managed to look at the map, so they remembered the location. Others weren’t so lucky.
Restarting the game might help. Since you can get the quest in any of the game’s dozen provinces, there’s no way to ask others for help – the worker could be anywhere, depending on where you pick up the quest. Your best bet would be not to waste any more time on this issue – just ignore it and keep playing. Hopefully the next one won’t be bugged, although this isn’t the first time we see a Nomad’s Bazaar quest bug.
Several Xbox One players have reported finding the worker, loading him up on the mount, then having the game crash while they were on their way back. In each of these reports, the quest was nowhere to be found after they started the game again. If you’re an Xbox owner, it might be wise to completely avoid the Missing Worker quest until it’s fixed.
The icon disappeared for me when I got 100m near the location. I then found the body, but now I cannot even examine it! Haha
Reloading also worked for me
‘Reload Quest Objective’ worked for me also.
A slight workaround for me was after the marker disappeared, I “reload quest objective” and it popped back up and didn’t go away again. Might work for some other people
i didnt have any problems in my xp the only problem i had was my guy was stopping and being slow as fuck to the point of unplayable. Honestly pissed me off the whole night cause i really wanted to keep playing.