AC Origins: The Hidden Ones Expansion Coming Soon
The year is off to a busy start for Assassin’s Creed Origins, which is getting its first expansion this month. The add-on is called The Hidden Ones, and will be released at some point during January. It’s going to be part of the season pass, but hopefully it will also be available by itself.

Ubisoft are keeping mum – all we know about the expansion is that Bayek and his buddies (yes, there will be several Bayeks now) will take on some Romans “who occupy an all-new region in the game”. It’s a new area with a new story, and it’ll push the level cap up to 45. The only image they’ve released contains a pyramid under construction, a military camp in the background, and some battleships in the distance (one of which is burning). Who are the hidden ones? Who are they hiding from? Why, and where? We’ll have to wait for the DLC to launch for actual answers, it seems.
If you don’t plan on spending any more money on AC Origins, you’ll be happy to hear that some free updates are on the way as well. We’ll finally get the ability to sell outfits to weavers. The Heka chest item pool will get items from the Nightmare, First Civilization, Gladiator and Wacky packs. The trials of the gods are already returning – you can fight Anubis till next week, and Sobek is coming on January 23rd.
And if you actually want to spend even more money on the game, the item shop will be expanded with some more goodies, like crossover items from For Honor (a new Warden outfit, an axe with a long shaft, a short sword and a katana), as well as several community contest rewards. These will be purchasable using Helix credits, which can be earned in the game, but they’re mostly bought with real money.
Can’t wait hope this DLC is good and bigger than most DLC