AC Origins Hidden Ones DLC Achievements / Trophies - How to Get Them
The Hidden Ones DLC for Assassin’s Creed Origins has eight achievements. They are worth 210 points for Xbox One players, and four bronze and four silver trophies for PlayStation 4 owners. Three of them are “secret”, but not that hard to miss really.

All Hidden Ones DLC Trophies / Achievements
What Time Is It? is the first one the list, and it is worth 10 points / bronze trophy. To earn it, you’ll need to perform a leap of faith from Arsinoe’s sundial obelisk between 10 AM and noon. This obelisk is located in northern part of the new DLC area. The area in question is Arsione Nome, the level 42-44 zone. The main road leads straight to it, and you can spot its unique relief on the map, as it stands out from the nearby sites. Climb to the top of it facing north, during the day, preferably after the morning hours. From its highest point, you’ll spot the many black and white lines on the ground below. As the day goes by, the obelisk’s shadow goes from west to east (left to right). The point where you want to jump down and perform the leap of faith into the haystack, is when the shadow is located between the third and second marker to the left of the central (noon) black and white line.
Zip it Off is worth 10 points / bronze trophy. To earn it, you’ll need to perform three assassinations from a zipline. You can find plenty ziplines that you can use for this purpose at the central part of Kiysma Nome (level 38-41 zone). You’ll find a narrow port there, with one larger ship. Simply use the zipline from the higher peak, slide down, and point your view towards the soldiers down below, until you get the button prompt for the assassination kill. Rinse and repeat.
Prison Break is worth 20 points / bronze trophy. To earn it, you’ll need to free 20 rebels. This is something you’ve already done in the main story many times. The rebels are also easy to spot from a distance by the size of the cage, and the white exclamation point above their heads.
Team Play is worth 20 points / bronze trophy. To earn it, you’ll need to kill an enemy with a headshot while they are being harassed by Senu. To complete this one, you’ll need to learn the Eagle Harass skill. Only then can you command Senu to harass enemies. Once the command is issued, you’ll need to equip and use a Predator Bow. This is essential. If you execute a headshot with any other bow, you won’t get the notification of a completed achievement.
Walls of the Ruler is worth 40 points / silver trophy. To earn it, you’ll need to complete the Walls-of-the-Ruler citadel. This is an enemy outpost with two captains, one commander, and six lootable treasures. This citadel is a part of the main quest, and it is quite impossible to skip it if you are going through the main story.
Surgical Strikes is a secret achievement worth 30 points / silver trophy. To earn it, you’ll need to assassinate Tacito, Ptahmose, and Ampelius.
New Recruits is another secret trophy worth 40 points / silver trophy. To earn it, you’ll need to complete Hidden Ones DLC side quests “Rise of Shaqilat” and “Shadows of the Scarab”.
The Greater Good is also a secret one, worth 40 points / silver trophy. To earn it, you’ll need to complete the main DLC quest “The Greater Good”.
“What Time is it?” is not possible because it’s cloudy there 24/7. I spent 7 hours in real time going back and forth, using dusk til dawn, waiting it out. It nothing. It’s cloudy so the sundial doesn’t work. The achievement is impossible. Major game breaking glitch.
Look at your map. You’ll see the lines of a “clock”. Basically go straight from the obelisk to the water (north) and you’ll find it .
Just wait, even if its cloudy.. shadow will appear after a while. Set Your time to day…and wait. I am doing it now 😉
Yeah, you need to wait. I was stuck doing the same as you. But I decided to wait at the top of the obelisk and the sun finally rises and projects shadows.
Took me like 2mins. Wtf you on about?!