Two of Clubs Ainigmata Ostraka Riddle Solution - AC Odyssey
Two of clubs ainigmata ostraka in AC Odyssey is a puzzle that you can solve. The first step is the ostraka riddle in Bronze Club of Periphetes. The clue then sends you to the Valley of Dreams, in search for a club. At least, that’s what the clue says. In truth, solving the ostraka is more difficult than it seems. That being the case, here’s our AC Odyssey Two of Clubs ainigmata ostraka riddle guide.

Where to Find Ainigmata Ostraka in Bronze Club of Periphetes?
Bronze Club of Periphetes is a military camp in the southeast of the Hera’s Watch region of Argolis. In the cliffs above the sea, there are stairs leading up to an altar of sorts. At the base of said stairs, you’ll find a deer carcass just lying around. We found the ostraka right next to the deer corpse. The clue that the ostraka gives you is to look for a club at the edge of the Valley of Dreams.
Two of Clubs Ostraka Puzzle Solution – Edge of the Valley of Dreams
Description: There is a club not far from here that rivals this iron beauty. Travel southeast to the edge of the Valley of Dreams. I will be waiting atop the bigger of these two clubs.
The ostraka clue truly does a great job of pointing you in the right direction. The location you’re looking for is in the east of Valley of Dreams area, in the southeast of the Argolis region. In fact, it’s a named location, which even has the word Club in the name. I’m, of course, talking about the camp called Club of Herakles.
Now that you’re there, the only thing that’s left is to find the engraving, aka the reward for solving the ostraka riddle. The fact is, the club that the puzzle mentions is not an actual club; it’s the tall, dead tree in the middle of the camp. All you have to do is to climb to the top of the tree and pick up your reward. Boom, you’ve solved the Two of Clubs ostraka riddle.