Tomb of the First Pythia Ancient Stele Location - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Ancient Stele in Tomb of the First Pythia is one of many you can collect in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The stele is hidden deep in the Tomb of the First Pythia, behind several hidden rooms and walls. The AC Odyssey Ancient Stele are always useful to find, because each one rewards you with an Ability Point. With that in mind, here’s our AC Odyssey Tomb of the First Pythia ancient stele location guide to reveal where to find it.

AC Odyssey Tomb of the First Pythia Location
The location of the Tomb of the First Pythia in AC Odyssey is in Phokis, in the Grand Mount Parnassos region. It’s to the west of the Delphi Sanctuary and the Temple of Apollo. Just head to the west from the open amphitheater from the Temple of Apollo, into the woods. Soon enough, you’re going to run into location of the Tomb of the First Pythia.
You can always use Ikaros to get the birds-eye view of the situation. You’ll know you’re where you need to be fairly easily. There’s a large statue of the First Pythia to the left of the entrance to the tomb, surrounded by pots and a bunch of other offerings. It’s kinda hard to miss, the thick woods notwithstanding.
Where to Find Ancient Stele in Tomb of the First Pythia – AC Odyssey
To find the Tomb of the First Pythia ancient stele, you’ll have to find the secret chamber where it’s hidden. From the door of the tomb, go down the first staircase, and go to the right. Break the pots, and slide through the crack in the wall. Head down the next staircase, hop over the fallen pillar, and head into the next room. Beware the center of the room, as it’s booby-trapped. Walk through the door on the left.
Take the corridor on the left. Follow it until you come across the very obvious crack in the wall. Kill the snake, and destroy the wall. From there, you’ll see the ancient stele in the Tomb of the First Pythia straight ahead of you. Just hop over another fallen pillar and walk into the stele room. Beware the snakes guarding the stele. Smack them around or light them on fire with your torch, and interact with the stele to complete the Tomb of the First Pythia location.
If you need help with the other ancient steles, head on over to our Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Ancient Stele Locations guide. Or, if you’re having trouble with something else, you can check out some of our other AC Odyssey guides, including Legendary Chest Map Locations and Fire Arrows – How to Make & Unlock Ability.
“The very obvious crack in the wall” oh my god smite me now because I’ve seen it ALL. I hope this was sarcasm because I would have been trolling around this tomb for hours if I hadn’t looked up where this damn thing was at. “Very obvious crack in the wall” my ass.
F*cking exactly. I was walking around for so f*cking long