Submerged Minoan Palace Sunken Artifact Location - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Submerged Minoan Palace in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a location you’ll visit during the We’re Treasure Hunters Quest. The quest taking you to the Submerged Minoan Palace will have you searching for the Sunken Artifact. You will have to look for the chest with the Sunken Artifact underwater, while dodging sharks and keeping an eye on your air meter. Our AC Odyssey Submerged Minoan Palace sunken artifact location guide will show you where to find the artifact, as well as where to find the Minoan Palace.

Where to Find Submerged Minoan Palace – AC Odyssey We’re Treasure Hunters Quest
To find the Submerged Minoan Palace in the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, you’ll have to go to the southernmost point of the island of Keos, in Pirate Islands. The area you’re looking for is Ancient Ruins of Kunastros. Once you accept the quest from Obelia (you first have to complete the We’re Not Thieves quest), the game is going to mark the location of the Submerged Minoan Palace for you.
Once you get there, either by land or by ship, you’ll notice that there’s no buildings on the beach whatsoever. There’s absolutely nothing indicating that there’s anything below the waves. And yet, if you take a few steps into the water to the south, you’ll notice something lurking below. Dive down, and you’ll find the Submerged Minoan Palace.
Sunken Artifact Location in We’re Treasure Hunters Quest – AC Odyssey Submerged Minoan Palace
To find the Sunken Artifact location in the Submerged Minoan Palace, the best strategy is to scan the area with Ikaros before wading into the water. There are two reasons for this. One, he’ll mark the two chests for you. Second, Ikaros will also mark the sharks roaming around the area. Oh yes, of course there are sharks.
Dive into the left hole in the floor (or ceiling, I suppose). Keep going straight down until you hit bottom. Both chests are in that location, in separate corners of the “room.” One of the chests will have the Sunken Artifact in it. However, to complete the quest, you have to loot both chests, so do so. You get pretty good loot from both, making it even more worth your while. All you have to do now is report back to Obelia, and the quest is over.