Smoke Signal Ainigmata Ostraka Riddle Solution - AC Odyssey
Smoke Signal ostraka riddle is one of the many puzzles in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The first step is the leader house on Keos, where the ainigmata ostraka tells us of smoke in Pirate’s Revenge. The clue you get for the Smoke Signal is very vague, and, quite honestly, somewhat misleading. You might have some problems with it; therefore, here’s our AC Odyssey Smoke Signal ainigmata ostraka riddle guide to help you out.

Where to Find Ainigmata Ostraka in Keos Lion Hill Leader House?
The Leader House in the Lion Hill area of the island Keos. The house is nestled among the cliffs that surround it, and it kinda looks like a small tower. The ostraka isn’t hard to find. All you have to do is waltz into the house through the main door, and the ostraka will be basically in front of your nose. Just try not to get noticed, if you don’t want to get into unnecessary combat.
Smoke Signal Ostraka Riddle Solution – Pirate’s Revenge Smoke Source
Description: Smoke is rising in Pirate’s Revenge. Find me at the source!
This ostraka has one of the most misleading clues that we’ve come across so far. First off, Pirate’s Revenge is way to broad of a hint. Second, you’d thing that you’re looking for an actual plume of smoke, at the very least. That is absolutely not the case.
So, here’s the deal. Your goal is to go to the town that’s in the west of Pirate’s Revenge, the northern region of the island Keos, in Pirates Island. The area of town you’re looking for is Koressia, west of the Temple of Athena Nedousia synchronization point, near the beach. Koressia is a dilapidated part of town, and everything is burnt. The location you’re looking for are the remains of a huge bonfire, with charred corpses still in the pile of ashes. Very jolly, I know. The Smoke Signal ostraka solution and reward is on that blackened ash heap.
Had the same problem. It’s not the ex-bonfire with bodies with sticks. It’s a little south and a little west if that, and it’s a lot bigger than the one in the center of town. I tea in the middle of the street. Good luck.
Ok, this was crazy. I went to the town. I saw the burnt part of the village. I went to the center where you see a bunch of wood piled in to a pyramid with 5 corpses around it. No stinking reward. Where is it? So frustrating!
Of course, I found it right when I commented. oh my. it was closer to the port than I thought it would be. but wanted to update I found it. this one is really hard, lots of smoke, fires, and corpses to look through!
so you’re advice here was definitely needed, I went to a fire with two light soldiers and a prisoner to free in pirates revenge, that one has a BIG smoke signal. was very frustrated it wasn’t there, so I googled, which I rarely try to do! I have found the bonfire with corpses, but there is no reward to find on mine! I will add I also went to the slaughtered goat reward early in the game, and mine wasn’t there either so I think something went wrong in one of my very early updates, we bought it the first day. I am going to try to find it on my son’s account and see if he has it!
How did you get the side quests to appear for Koressia? I don’t have any there?
Continue with the story and they will appear.