The Silver Line Cult of Kosmos Cultist Locations - Machaon the Feared - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
The Silver Line is an arm of the Cult of Kosmos in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The cultists from the Silver Line are scattered across Greece, and you have to find them all, including the Cult Sage. Killing the cultists from the Silver line of the Cult of Kosmos rewards you with legendary gear and weapons, including most of the Agamemnon Armor Set. Considering the rewards, weeding out the cultists is always worth your while. With that in mind, here’s our AC Odyssey Silver Line Cult of Kosmos cultist locations guide.

Epiktetos the Forthcoming – The Silver Line Cultist
Much like Elpenor in the Eyes of Kosmos cult branch, you’ll kill Epiktetos during one of the story missions. You don’t have to worry about missing him, just keep plowing through the game’s main campaign, and you’ll murder him. The rest of the Silver Line cult branch won’t be as easy, so get ready for things to get ugly.
Centaur of Euboea Cultist Location – Silver Line Cult of Kosmos
The Centaur of Euboea cultist is located, aptly enough, on the island of Euboea. It’s in the Abantis Islands region, in the area of Euboea called Mount Difri. The Centaur is in the northeast of that area. There’s an Abandoned Mine section there, and we found the Centaur hiding inside, with his pet giant wolf. You’ll likely drop him pretty easily. He looks very unkempt, in a dirty tunic and with a gnarly beard and severe male pattern baldness. The reward for killing him is the Legendary Agamemnon’s Waistband from the Agamemnon set.
Where to Find Chimera Cult of Kosmos Silver Line
To find The Chimera, one of the Silver Line branch of the Cult, you’ll have to go to the island of Andros, to the east of Attika. The cultist is in the far south of the island, in Steropes Bay. She’s hiding in a beach encampment. So, as you’d expect, there’s a whole host of guards keeping her safe. You’ll recognize her by her long, brown dress and golden jewelry. We found her at the entrance into the main tent of the camp. You can use Ikaros to scout the area and tag her just to be sure. Or, you know, just slaughter everyone in the area for good measure, it’s up to you. Killing her gets you the Legendary Boots of Agamemnon.
AC Odyssey Cult of Kosmos – The Silver Griffin Location
Silver Griffin is hiding out on a small island called Prasonisia Island. It’s just to the southwest of Mykonos and southeast of Delos. Prasonisia is little more than a big rock sticking out of the sea; calling it an island is being pretty generous. The whole place is an eradication area, so you can just swoop in and murder everyone and the Silver Griffin. You’ll recognize him by his gray hair and beard, and his fancy blue toga. The reward for killing The Silver Griffin is the Legendary Agamemnon’s Body Armor.
Where to find Machaon the Feared Location – Silver Vein Cult of Kosmos
Locating Machaon the Feared might be a bit rough. He hangs out in the Mount Panachaikos region of Achaia. We found him in the Patrai section of Mount Panachaikos, which is the shipyard in the north of the region. However, he does tend to roam around the area, so he can be a little hard to find. He has a beard, a shaved head, and kinda dresses like a hobo gladiator. He’s far from the only one that looks like that, though. So, we’ve also provided you with the location of a clue that reveals him. Look for a corpse on the cliffs of Shipwreck Cove north of Scavenger’s Coast, both also in Achaia. Your reward for killing Machaon the Feared is the Legendary Agamemnon’s Helmet.
Polemon the Wise Silver Vein Cult Sage Location – Where to Find?
Polemon the Wise is the head of the Silver Vein branch of the cult, and you can only find him after you’ve murdered everyone else from that branch. You’ll find him in the fortress called Teichos of Herakles. The fort, in turn, is in the Erymanthos Peaks area of Achaia. Polemon’s hideout is in the central west part of Erymanthos Peaks, on top of a mountain. We came across Polemon inside the temple of Teichos of Herakles, dedicated to the hero himself. Killing him will get you the Legendary Heavy Blade Elysian Axe.
Oh so he’s at the tunnel with the wolf because everyone fucking knows that! You morons care to provide real information if not just go away because you SUCK
How can you get plum blossoms without any cold and bone?