Save Baby or Kill Chrysis - Ashes to Ashes Quest - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Ashes to Ashes is one of the quests in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. It’s at the end of a long quest chain of main quests in chapter 5, and it ends with a big dilemma. You can either save an innocent baby from a fire, or you can pursue the evil woman that separates children from their families. Whatever you choose, it’s going to leave you with a sour aftertaste – there’s no right answer here. Our AC Odyssey Ashes to Ashes quest guide will show you what happens depending on what you choose.

How to complete Ashes to Ashes quest?
After following the clues, you’ll reach an altar with a dead eagle left as a warning. Suddenly, you’ll hear a baby crying nearby. If you follow the sound, you’ll reach a small temple guarded by a couple of cultists. Kill them and enter, and you’ll end up face to face with Chrysis. After you’ve exhausted all the conversation options and conveyed your intention of murdering her, she’ll set the temple on fire and run away. The problem is, there’s a baby on the altar.
At first glance, it’s really simple – if you don’t get the baby out of the temple, the baby will die. If you care at all about saving that poor family, you’ll have to save the baby. Plus, I mean… it’s a baby. Just pick it up and get it out. Chrysis will escape, but some things are more important than your revenge.
On the other hand, if you decide to kill Chrysis, your lust for blood will probably be sated, but you’ll have a dead baby on your conscience. What’s more, you can go after Chrysis afterwards, outside of this quest, since she’s one of the Worshippers of the Bloodline.
From what I’ve heard, killing Chrysis instead of saving the baby would make it impossible to save your whole family, as Deimos wouldn’t listen to your pleas.
There’s actually a quest relatively nearby if you save the baby where a woman is crying by a road, and she tells you her husband stopped some bandits so she could get away. Turns out it’s a trap by Chrysis.
@Joe yes this is right.
I could not leave the baby to burn, even if my goal was to kill this ****
But when i ran into that woman, asking me to rescue her husband, i was happily suprised……
The witch lays next to the rock with her dead boyfriends and her troath slit…..
– The End-
(well for her that was,……)