Red in Wreckage Quest - Where to Find Miltos Chests - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Red in the Wreckage quest in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has you searching shipwrecks for chests of miltos. The location is far out of your way, but the rewards you get for completing the AC Odyssey Red in the Wreckage quest are pretty worth it. That being the case, here’s our AC Odyssey Red in the Wreckage quest miltos chest locations guide to show you where to find miltos chests, and their location near Lestros island.

Miltos Chest Locations in AC Odyssey Red in the Wreckage Quest
Miltos chests in the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Red in the Wreckage quest are just to the south off the coast of Lestros island. Said island is in the cluster of Pirate Islands. The place you’re looking for is a tiny little islet, that’s little more than a bunch of sand. There are some wrecked ships in the vicinity, and that’s where you’ll need to search for the miltos chests.
As for the locations of miltos chests, we found a total of six of them. One was at the shore of Wailing Cavern, next to the ship stranded on the beach. The other five were under the water, a little further away from the ship. As you dive down, you’ll come across them pretty quickly. One is more or less directly below, while the others are nearer to the sunken shipwreck. The best strategy to follow is to let Ikaros fly around the area and mark the chests for you. This will save you some time.
If not, you can also search for the miltos chests manually. This shouldn’t prove too much of a challenge, since they’re clustered together pretty closely. Just don’t forget to come up for air if the meter starts running low.
AC Odyssey Red in the Wreckage Quest Bugged
It seems that the Red in the Wreckage quest is bugged for some people. The problem appears to be that not all Miltos Chests appear. This is incredibly annoying, considering that Red in the Wreckage is nothing but a fetch quest. So, the fact that you went out of your way to do such a dumb quest, only to find that you just can’t complete it. Not to mention that miltos is a relatively valuable trading good; plus, you can get a fair amount of XP, money, and some cool boots from the deal.
Making the problem worse is the fact that there’s no fix for the glitch in Red in the Wreckage. You can attempt to restart the game, or reboot the entire console (if you’re playing on console), and try again. If this doesn’t work, the only thing you can do is to contact the developers and hope that they fix it. However, since it’s not the most common of glitches, I wouldn’t hold my breath.