Record Sunshine Ainigmata Ostraka Riddle Solution - AC Odyssey
Record Sunshine is one of the multitude of ainigmata ostraka puzzles contained within Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. As with all the others, it starts off with a stone tablet – this time, it’s in Megara, the big city in the Megaris area. Once you have the tablet, you’ll have to read the inscription carefully, as it will tell you where exactly you need to go to find a secret treasure in the form of a weapon engraving. If the challenge proves to be too much, simply scroll down and check out our AC Odyssey Record Sunshine ainigmata ostraka guide.

Where to find ainigmata ostraka in Megara?
The Record Sunshine stone tablet is hidden in Megara, the biggest settlement in Megaris. You’ll need to go to the Leader House, the lavish mansion west of the Temple of Apollo. Once you get there, climb up to the topmost terrace. The tablet will be there, among the cushions.
Record Sunshine riddle solution
Description: An unusual request came to eliminate some records. I didn’t want any trouble so I took a small journey west to Mount Geraneia. Take a dive in the center of the bay and find them on the shelf in a sunken ruin.
After you’ve grabbed the tablet, head west along the peninsula. Once you’ve reached the tip, you’ll see a big lake near the beach. Jump into the water and swim to the floating amphorae. Dive down and you’ll see a shelf at the bottom of the lake – interact with it and you’ll receive the reward.
Engraving Reward: +2% Damage with Spears and Staffs.
This is one of the easier puzzles we’ve encountered so far – the others were nowhere near as simple. If you have trouble completing any of them, we recommend you check out our Ainigmata Ostraka locations & solutions guide. We’re updating it as we go.